Chapter II

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A day had passed. They still hadn't come.

Foolish was now coming in with a platter of bread and water, a meager meal much? The door creaked open and I hid behind it, "Y/n?" Foolish called for me.

Startling the guard, I landed a sharp roundhouse kick from around the door, the tray went flying. While he was stumbling around on the dark-red carpet I simply stepped over him, grabbed his keys, and took off running through the corridor.

Turn after turn I made, panic-stricken and lost. The hallways all seemed to duplicate each other, clone after clone after clone. But suddenly there I saw it, the front gates, freedom.

Running faster than I knew I possibly could, I erupted from the casino hotel, my prison. My feet were practically flying, the wind screaming in my ears. The black gates out in front stood towering tall and intimidating, but using the keys I had gotten from Foolish I unlocked them and kicked them open, continuing my fast pace.

I made my way into the dark spruce-wood forest. Birds were chirping, the sky was blue, a spectacular day for travel. Almost skipping with joy, everything suddenly stopped. There Quackity stood with an axe.

A scream almost came out of mouth when he saw me, time seemingly stopping.

"Y/n!" He spoke, he almost seemed... normal?

"Just leave me alone!" I clambered up a tree in a desperate hope to escape.

"Please, just come down?" He asked a bit sweetly.

"No!" I shouted, but suddenly the branch underneath me snapped. I immediately plummeted, the branches scraping me as I was sure to hit the rocky ground. Yet I didn't.

Blinking my eyes open from the shock, I realized that Quackity was holding me bridal-style. Too weak to protest, we both sank to the ground together, me on his lap, his back against the tree that I had fallen from.

"Are- are you alright?" Quackity asked, unsure about what to say.

"Yes, thanks to you," I mumbled, "Thanks by the way."

He simply responded with, "Uh, yeah. No problem."

I stood up and went to leave but suddenly he grabbed my arm, not bothering to turn. I realized that there was no way he would just let me leave.

"If I knew where Dream was I would tell you," I stated, "Can I please just go?"

He laughed playfully, "Come on now Kitten," My capture joked.

"Please," I begged him, "Just let me leave!"

Quackity's voice lowered, "What if I want you to stay?"


404 words, sorry I had to cut it short my parents almost found I was making this haha  

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