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This was first posted in my about me section. It might still be there, who knows. If you enjoy it please comment and vote, please! 

You find yourself outside a big castle, its most defining feature is that it's on fire, and it's pink. The pink flames are all over the turrets and roofs of the towering pearl white castle. The roofs look black under the flames and the doors are brown with fancy swirls and designs in a deep red that seems to glow in the flames.

You're standing inside the castle's wall, which makes the wall of China look small. It circles all around the beautiful gardens filled with rainbow colors of plants and playgrounds. The walkway you stand on like all the other walkways are made out of stones interlocking together.

Among the plants and playgrounds animals roam free, lions, elephants, horses, and you even see dolphins jumping out of a huge lake. The garden is thankfully not on fire.

You can't see the person you are looking for so you head for the nearest doors. Based on the giant words "welcome" written across the double doors when you walk up the quartz steps, and how it was down the long path you had taken from the iron gates letting you in, these are the main doors.

When you reach for the handle they push themselves open where you see who you were looking for, me.

I smile at you, my hair a mess, and blue light blocker glasses on the top of my head.

"What up! I'm the author, you must be the reader!" I shout excitedly, the flames all around seem to glow brighter. "Do you enjoy it here? This is where I do my writing. It's my castle of stories,"

"It's on fire," You note pointing up at the flames in the torches by the doors.

"Well that's my spirit, the brighter, the taller the flames are the more creative and happy I am, when they are low and sad, I'm not home, which is almost never," I shrug looking around at the torches and the garden. "I really need to get out soon, I want to ride my elephants," I add, for no one but myself.

I brighten up for a minute before grabbing your hand. "You're here to read! Come on, I can't wait to show you!" I yell leading you inside.


Castle of Stories--a collectionWhere stories live. Discover now