My Favorite Song

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"My Favorite Song"

Resurrection is my favorite song.

In this time of existence, I get reminded that I'm never alone.
He has graced me with his presence on earth and has made me an evidence of his power.
My sweet and precious Lord has shield me with his glory and anoints me with testimonies.

Resurrection is my favorite song.

On this day, I recieved power of everything pertaining to life and Godliness.
My feet were soaked in the cleansing blood of his devine resurrection.
I was announced a precious lamb secured by the good sherpherd forever and always.
He has designed for me unknown tongues and given me guidance through eternal life.
On this miraculous morning, eternity became a reality and soveriegnty was entitled to me.
I am made whole through this precious way, truth and the life for all.

Resurrection is my favorite song.

The blessings of the Lord rained down on me.
I am now sheltered by grace and guided with power.
My feet are steadfastly moving to a road that leads to the gates of eternity.
I now have power and victory to heal the land and change the end of many lives.
This time, I am reborn. Reborn by faith and not by law.

On this day,  I was promised all things that are everlasting; I am a product of divinity.
I am a member of the greatest loving army.
My eyes are set to adore righteousness and uphold holiness.
On this day, my lips were urged to only speak life. I became an oracle of supremecy.

Resurrection is my favorite Song.

Now I can say that I've been redeemed and is no longer a curse or a slave to fear.
In the end, he give me Galatians 3:10-14

Resurrection is my favorite song

                                                 ~Sophie 🤍

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2022 ⏰

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