
23 1 1

i was walking back to my apartment when i walked past a car that looked way too familiar. when i got closer i saw it was just my brother and his friend hotboxing. 'outside my fucking crib, them niggas is gettin out of hand'i thought to myself. i walked up to my door and put the key in the lock twisting it open.

"whats the deal my baby?" saint walks in with a bag for me and my house smells like food.  "what smell are you trying to cover up?" she tilted her head to the side and rolled her eyes after i didn't say anything.

"it's an apology gift. i wanted to say sorry for how i treated you in when we were younger.. and elementary... and middle school." i was trying so hard not to laugh in her face but damn is ts funny. this bitch ripped my self esteem up and then buy me some fucking 'gift' to make up for it? she never even ask me what i like, and my brother is to much of a fucking moron to actually know anything about me.

"what exactly did you get me lil girl?" she chuckled a bit which made me feel a shiver down my spine that i happily ignored. she handed me the bag and i went to sit on the couch. i opened the bag to see a pair of house slippers and perfume that i've been wanting for a long time. i was confused as to how she knew i wanted it so i looked up to ask.

"how did you know what perfume to get me?" she looked over at me from the kitchen and delayed answering my question. she was walking back to the living room with plates and then finally answered. "i heard you talking about it to one of your lil friends and i knew they weren't gonna get it for you so i went to all the stores i could think of that sold it. that was the biggest one i could find."

i was impressed to say the least. i appreciate the effort of course so without a second thought i jumped on her for a hug. i didn't realize what i did till her hands were wrapped around me tighter than i thought. she looked at me and smiled, she has some pretty ass teeth, i just wanna look at them all day. "take a picture it'll last longer"

i just mushed her face and started eating, she just ruined the mood i don't even wanna be bothered wit her no more.

© 𝙝3𝙣𝙙𝙧𝙞𝙭_

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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