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TW: Escaping, yelling, anxiety 

Dreams pov:
I managed to escape from Sam's and Quackity's prision and immediately headed to the Northern Mountain. I headed to Georges house to pack and pick up my stuff, beucase I knew he didn't really need it anymore. I walk in and see Sapnap and George talking to eachother. I ignored them and walked to "my room". I can hear them yelling at me, I just shut my door and locked it. "DREAM!!" George yelles trying to open the door. I managed to get out of the jail trousers and get into my sweater and black pants. I look over and see if I left anything, I didn't want anyone to know that I was living here. I nodiced that I almost left my mask. "DREAM OPEN THE DOOR!!" I hear from Shlatt. Shit.. Grab and go. I thought. I dropped my exercise bag and swiftly grabed my mask, grabed my back, and grabbed extra supplies.

I didnt have a window so I had to grab my axe to break my wall. Bang I turn around after making a big enough hole to fit the bag first, then myself. "Dream.." I drop my bag down and outside. "Dream you dont have to leave like this.." I didnt say anything. I jump ontop of the broken bottom of the hole and use my leather fingerless glove to grip onto the top. I jump of and immediately got up, running into the forest that was close to Georges house. "That was close I guess.." I continued to walk up the mountain but also being cautious about polor brears. I hear an endermen noise and turn around. "Dream? Arnt you supposed to be in prison?" I hear Ranboo say. I softly still not saying anything.

Narrators pov:
Ranboo was confused about how Dream escaped. They both knew that the prison was the best secerety they had and have. "I-.. gotta go meet my mother, shes felling sick right now and she lives far so.. I gotta go.." Dream turnes around and finds Tubbo and Tommy. Authough Dream fixed his mask to make it a sad face instead of a smily face, the part ram still reconized the man. "Um.." Dream ran toward Westsouth and jumped over rocks that were open enough for him to leave. "Dream!" The man reconized the voice and stoped running. "Tubbo, Ranboo. If you tell anyone where the fuck Dream is. Your life will soon be Glatts." Tommy whispered. Ranboo and Tubbo nodded in fear and soon left. "What do you want Tommy." Dream asked in not so much fear. "I will help you get away from Sam and Quackity but we have to be quick about it."

Dream and Tommy managed to get to a jungle and make a hideout for Tommy but a new home for Dream. "Dream, I gotta go but heres a bed." Tommy placed a bed down for Dream so he would die and loose his spawn. "Umm.. thanks but I dont really need it." Tommy shrugged and left.

Punz was in the jungle trying to get his bird back. He continued to walk but soon got tierd and it was taking forever to find Lea. (His burb) The man found a hut that looked recently built and saw Tommy climbing down from the house. Punz hid behind the tree in order to not be hidden. "Bye Dream." He heard. Dream?! Hes out?.. Punz thought. He seen the lights gone off and soon headed onto the ladder. He soon felt someone shut the door and put an axe to his neck. "Dream its me, Punz... Remember?.."  He soon heard a small gasp then something drop from the youngers hands and hear him back away. "You... your not supposed to be here.." Dream whispered. Punz lit a tourch and lit another lamp. "Hey.. I'll promise you, from now and on that I won't tell anyone. Who else knows? Take your time bub.." Dream started to breath as soft as he could and put his hand on Punz chest in order to follow his breathing and heart rate.

"Tommy, Ranboo, Tubbo, George, Shlatt, and Sapnap knows.. Please don't kill Tommy.. hes with us.." Dream whispered. He looked out the window and nodiced a creeper outside. He quickly blew the torch out and stared at it to make sure it wasnt Sam.

"Dream.. Take your mask off.." The other softly nodded and took it off, to be introduced by a kiss. It wasn't harsh nor forceable, it was soft and slow. Punz softly took the masked sweater off and threw it next to Dreams bed. Punz loved everything about him. His hair, his eyes, his freckles, his kisses, his body, everything, even his own braces at the age of 21. Dream hissed becuase of the pain of his braces, due to them adjusting to the others mouth. "I-.. mm fine.." The both of them went to bed and cuddled, Dream immediately feel alseep, because of him used to laying on hard ground he never really had a bed anymore. Punz nodiced this and was pissed, he knew Sam would treat him bad but not that bad. Dreams life is in my hands. And I wont let it go. Punz thought. He hugged the soft snoring boy in his arms and soon fell alseep.

I finnished this if you were wondering what it was lol

Word Count: 905

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