The obsidian

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TW: Anxiety
Also Im not body shaming anyone in this

Punz pov:
I could tell that Dream was on top of me due to the waight on me, I softy push him over so I could get off. I soon hear churping out of the door and to find out it was Lea. I give a soft smile and put her on the table and leave to make a bird house for her.

Dream's pov:
I assumed that Punz left becuase wasnt laying down nor in the house. I hear a knock on the door and see Tommy. "Hey Toms.." I whisper, I let him in and he starts to put spasific food in the chest or the fridge. He leaves the bacon, eggs, and a couple pices of bread out. "Want some?" He asks, I softly nod and put a sweater on. "Thats all you have? No shirt?" "I didn't have time to grab any.." I said adjusting my mask. Punz soon came back with, what it looked like, a bird house. "Why is he here?.." I realized that I never told him why. "He wont tell anyone.. we sore on it." Tommy nodded and continued. Punz also managed to get my shirts. "Here, put it on while I clean these." I get his shirt knowing it was his only one. "You sure?" Punz nodded and left to the nearest pond. "Have you broke up with George?.. Or was that months ago?" Tommy asked bringing me my plate. "We.. broke up a few weeks after I got into prison... He said I wasnt worth it anymore, authough I see him sneek in just to 'talk' but.. yea we-... we knew we couldn't date when ones is in prison and one not, Sapnap agreed when he and George came." I explained. Tommy pushed my back to be straight so my back wouldnt hurt. "Lets just hope Phil doesnt find us.. or this." Tommy whispered looking around about his build. It seemed like he was proud of it.

Punz Pov:
I was washing the shirts when I felt like someone was watching me. I knew it wasnt Dream because he wouldnt leave the house in any way possable. I roll the shirts in a circular motion to sweeze the water out. I did that to all of the shirts and put them on a string near lava. Snap I turn around and see no one. I grab out my sword and walk over to where the snap came from and see Purpled. "Dude- hell put a shirt on." I scoff and whipe him off, I run back to Dreams shirts for them to be completely done drying. I put them in the exercise bag and leave. Soon enough I hear Purpled following me.

Narrators pov:
"What do you want." Punz asked, lowering his voice. Purpled backed a few more feet in fear. "I cant find my way back.. George made me leave his kingdom or-" Punz was more pissed. Showing half of his face but kept his back toward the younger brother. "He did what.." Purpled was terrified at this point, he explained everything about what made Purple leave.

"Come with me." Purpled obayed and was introduced to a house above. "Whos is this?.." The boy mumbled. The older didn't answer but they both heard a door slam. "Tommy, do you possibly have a place in your new hotel that your building?" Tommy nodded. "Speaking of 'hotel' Purpled can be my first guest?" Purpled nodded and sat down. "Tommy did you build this?" The teen hummed and gave them some food. "Hurry and eat, my friend doenst really like visitors that much.." Punz whispered. Purpled was confused but continued eating. Tommy left along with Purpled. "Dream, you can come out now." The blond opned the door and gave Dream rhe rest of his food.

Awsamdude pov:
Im kind of glad that Dream escaped, I know that none of the others are happy but I am, I could tell that hes changed alot in the past couple months. "Sam?" I turn around from my office chair and see Quackity. "Yes Quackity?" He takes a breath and gives me a paper. I take it from his hands, he then soon looks away.

Dear Quackity,
Yes I know, I have escaped but I knew Sapnap was going to torcher me on his next trip. So, while Sam was away and you were looking after me, I took the time before Sapnaps visit, with Dristas help, to plan an escape. I managed to find a route in the back of the prision, you may see obsidian behind the cell, that was the way I went to escape. Please get rid of them before he finds me.

- Dream

I give the paper back and sighed. "I know, hes changed Quackity.. Thats good for him but everyone doesn't realized that, they think that hes the same old Dream." Quackity nodded. "Do you think he is still the same inside? Sapnap's probably pissed about this and George he probably doens't care about Dream anymore." I nodded softly, I stood up. "He didn't write one for me, George, Sapnap, Puffy, Foolish, nor anyone else besides you, Tommy, and Punz."

Quackity's pov:
Ive nodiced Punz being gone for a few days maybe he's with Dream. "Do you think Punz found Dream? I always see Tommy going over the Northern Mountain alot these past few days." I said without thinking. Sam shot a idea type of look at me. "Quackity what would I ever do without you?" I smiled like I got a prize at a rigged claw machine. We both head to my office to see the possable outcomes he could've escaped.

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