Student Introduction.

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Hi again.
Student Grade Level:
Kaeya-Senior {12th}
Albedo-Junior {11th}
Thoma-Senior {12th}
Ayato-Senior {12th}
Xingqiu-Sophomore {10th}
Chongyun-Sophomore {10th}
Xiao-Senior {12th}
Venti-Junior {11th}
Hu Tao-Junior {11th}
Childe-Senior {12th}
Kazuha-Junior {11th}
Scaramouche-Junior {11th}
Amber-Sophomore {10th}
Diluc-Senior {12th}
Yanfei-Senior {12th}
Sucrose-Junior {11th}
Lumine-Junior {11th}
Aether-Junior {11th}
So like, i don't wanna go through EVERY student.. but here i am. Not going and looking for pictures because... way to much work.

Kaeya- Kaeya is like every other senior.. not a trouble maker, but also not very nice to certain people. Kaeya may or may not have a small crush on someone.. Kaeya only opens up to certain people, but is quite popular. Always surrounded by girls, and even boys.

Albedo- Albedo is more of the introvert. He has friends, but isn't the one for popularity. He is constantly studying, and participating in clubs. Not those clubs.. but clubs for chemistry, science, history, etc. Albedo always has had good grades, and has no interest in any other of those.. seniors, like Kaeya.

Thoma- Thoma is a friend of Kaeya's, he loves to tease Kaeya. Thoma may or may not have a crush on one of his close childhood friends. Thoma is quite the nice boy, always surrounded by girls which he clearly takes no interest in. He is searching for a relationship with someone.. thats let's just say.. not a girl.

Ayato- Ayato is another friend of Kaeya. Kaeya and Ayato are always seen together. Kaeya take's no interest in any of the groups surrounding them, nor does Ayato. Ayato is loyal to everyone he meets. He is constantly organized even not at his house. Ayato likes a boy.. i think it's quite obvious who it is, and no. It's most indeed not Kaeya.

Xingqiu- Xingqiu and Lisa let's say.. are very close. Xingqiu is in high english classes, with the seniors. Since his level is so high, he has the same knowledge as the seniors. But he does take quite the interest in Chongyun.

Chongyun- Chongyun is always busy walking and observing school. Hanging out pretty much by himself, unless he is with his friends. Chongyun isn't the type to socialize, instead he does research on evil spirts, paranormal activity, ghosts, and anything along those lines. But he is always making time for Xingqiu and himself, since thats how they bond.

Xiao- Xiao isn't your ideal.. happy boy. He never smiles and is always grouchy. He never even dares to crack a smile. Xiao honestly has a hatred for Childe, that idiotic whore. Xiao is always constantly telling him off, trying to get Childe to leave Mr.Zhongli, his father, alone.

Venti- Venti is your ideal prankster. Venti is always going around messing with kids, alot of the time Venti and Hu Tao make plans to prank the teachers, students and even scare them. Venti isn't that.. smart. He fails his classes..

Hu Tao- Hu Tao is quite the prankster, her and Venti constantly hang out. She loves to prank Mr.Zhongli in general, but Hu Tao and Venti are constantly in detention.. being forced to study. Since they both don't have the best grades..

Childe- Childe is a literal whore. Childe has a slight (wrong, he's obsessed) crush on the history teacher, Zhongli. Childe is in a high level history, mainly because he is loyal to Zhongli. He is a friend of Kaeya's but, Childe is constantly talking and sleeping with new people. Day after day.. he sleeps with them then dumps them and ignores them. He is a total dooshbag.

Kazuha- Kazuha is a chill, laid back student. Everyone loves him. He's cool to be around, and is sort of popular to an extent. He is always with Scaramouche, their close friends. Kazuha is getting in trouble sometimes for hitting people with leaves.. he is sort of idiotic. Like he has no brains or something..

Scaramouche- Scaramouche is always hidden. You never see him around unless Kazuha is there. It's like he stays in the shadows and hates socializing. Scaramouche is pretty intimidating.. i wouldn't want to befriend him..!

Amber- Amber is always been popular in her grade. Amber is a sweet, very organized girl. She is always passing p.e for her fast running. I do have to admit, it's quite impressive! She is a straight A student with lots of determination.

Diluc- Diluc is just like Scaramouche. He never socializes, even with his own brother. It seems to be they are enemies and not siblings.. Diluc hasn't had a passion for talking to people. He mainly prefers to be alone unless he is talking to Scaramouche, which I understand. They are quite alike.

Yanfei- Yanfei is a friend of Hu Tao.. except she is mature. Yanfei keep's straight A's and studies for her tests. She is constantly passing classes with ease, and not even needing to try. Yanfei is always keeping Hu Tao in line, and Venti. But she leaves Xiao to take care of Venti instead. Taking care of them both was like taking care of toddlers.

Sucrose- Sucrose is always hanging out with Albedo. Sucrose is constantly experimenting and trying new things. Sucrose not only loves hanging out with Xiangling and cooking, but trying new recipes! Which Sucrose also likes.

Lumine- Lumine is a nice, kind hearted girl, but she's left to take care of Aether. She is the more mature twin whom must take care of the other twin. She helps Aether study alot, along with prepare him for tests.

Aether- Aether hates studying, so he is the more immature one. He isn't the biggest fan of testing either. Aether preferred helping Hu Tao and Venti come up with stupid pranks, like he always did. He never participated in them, but gave them mischievous ideas.


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