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"So, are you ready to open?" I asked the other barista Gemma as we were setting up our coffee shop we co-owned together.

"Yeah, I'm just refilling these creamers." Gemma said and I nodded and headed to the main door to unlock it as the few customers who were waiting outside walked in.

"Good morning Quinn." A few of them said as they walked in causing me to smile. This is what I always wanted was a local coffee shop in my hometown of Boston where she would be on a first name basis with most of the customers.

"Good morning everyone. Everyone want their usual?" I asked, I was met with nods and smiles.

"Alrighty then, give us a couple of minutes." Gemma said as we got started making all the orders. As Gemma and I were busy making orders and cups of coffee a couple more people, guys, came walking in.

"Who are they?" Gemma whispered to me as I filled a coffee cup and grabbing a croissant from the case.

"Not sure, never seen them before." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Do they know to order first...." Gemma said sounding slightly annoyed as they just sat at a table.

"Gemma, give them a break, maybe they are waiting for some other people. I don't see wives or girlfriends so maybe that's who they are waiting for." I said. As I finished up an order, I handed it to the older gentlemen waiting in line.

"Thank you Quinn." He said handing me the money, I smiled at him.

"Don't forget, tomorrow we change up some of the pastry and drink menu." I said to him since always ordered the same thing.

"Do the fall flavors finally arrive?" Another customer in line asked who overheard, I smiled at her.

"The wait is finally over, yes the fall flavors start tomorrow." I said.

"We will be releasing all fall pastries and drink flavors tonight on our social media account." I announced to a lot of happy faces.

"What about those who don't use social media?" the older customer asked.

"Well before we open, we will have the new item printed out and taped to the door window." Gemma spoke up handing another order to another customer.

"Sounds good." The older customer said and headed out since he paid. Gemma continued orders as I took payments. Once everyone was waited on Gemma and I stood behind the counter.

"Should one of us go over?" Gemma asked.

"Maybe..." I trailed off and Gemma looked at me.

"You want to take it?" Gemma asked and I sighed.

"I guess." I said and went to head towards the table.

*****Guys POV*****

"So, this is the new place?" The one guy said as him and his brother walked in the door.

"Yeah just opened a couple weeks ago and is getting awesome reviews from everyone I know who has been here." The other guy said.

"I just don't understand what was wrong with our normal coffee place." The first guy said.

"Chris, it was a chain coffee shop, we should be supporting little local place like this, so they stay around." The second guy said.

"That date you had with the cashier at the chain store didn't go well did it Scott?" Chris asked, Scott sighed.

"He left the date after about half an hour and he said didn't see use having a future date." Scott said causing Chris to give a small laugh.

"Hey, you know it's not easy dating." Chris said and Scott snorted a laugh.

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