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I showed to the bakery at 3:30 in the morning too excited to sleep and needed to get started on the fall items. I was working on the pumpkin scones with chocolate chips when Gemma came walking in yawning at 5am.

"There is fresh coffee in the pot." I said and she went to pour herself a cup.

"Oh my god! It smells like fall heaven in here." Gemma said and I smiled.

"It does and I'm not done. The Cinnamon apple donuts, giant cinnamon rolls, pumpkin danish and apple studdle are done." I said.

"Okay, how much coffee have you had and how long have you been here?" Gemma asked.

"Not much honestly and I got here at 3:30." I said and Gemma groaned.

"You are going home early today." Gemma said and I started bouncing.

"I can't! I am so jazzed! I love this time of year!" I said and Gemma laughed.

"You stayed late last night to decorate and you came in early today. How much sleep did you get last night?" Gemma asked and I shrugged.

"Enough." I said and she groaned.

"Did you want to start a fire in the fireplace? I mean it's not too cold today." Gemma said and I sighed.

"No, not until the weather is cold but trust me, it's Boston, it will be cold soon." I said and Gemma nodded. She looked around at all the fall décor I had put up and smiled.

"It looks great in here." Gemma said and I smiled.

"Can you go tape the new item menu to the door and also maybe set some outside on the table by the door. Just give people an option to look at the choices.

"Do you think Chris will show up today?" Gemma asked and I groaned.

"I don't know, I don't care." I said and continued baking. Gemma placed the menus outside and one on the door. We didn't open until 8 but I knew I had a lot to do to take me up to 8. Once I finished baking I taught Gemma the new drinks I had been wanting to make and she felt comfortable with them. Once we were done trying one of everything just to make sure it was all good it was time to open and we saw everyone waiting outside looking at the menu. I smiled and went to unlocked the door.

"Happy Fall everyone!" I said and everyone smiled.

"The new items look great!" A customer said and walked in getting in line. I smiled as everyone walked in and I walked behind the counter. As I was waiting on some customers I couldn't help but look for him to see if he was going to show up.

"Looking for someone special?" Gemma asked and shook my head.

"No, I am looking at the crowd hoping we made enough." I said and Gemma sighed. After a steady flow of customers we still had a small line and I heard people coming in. The line wasn't horrible so I was able to handle all of it while Gemma went around and refilled cups and got feedback from the new items. As I finished filling an order I looked up and saw Chris standing there smiling and I gave a small smile back.

"You made it in." I said and he smiled.

"I did. I had to bring someone else to try everything." Chris said and pointed to the lady who was with him. I smiled at her and then I wasn't sure why but I felt an odd twinge of jealously.

"What can I get you guys?" I asked and Chris ordered an apple cinnamon donut and a black coffee and the girl he was with ordered a pumpkin cream cold brew and a pumpkin danish. As I was getting the order ready Gemma came walking up to me.

"Who is the girl?" She whispered and I shrugged.

"Girlfriend maybe." I said and she sighed. I got the order finished and saw they went and sat at a table so I took them their order.

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