Next Day

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I woke up early wanting to get a fresh start to the day. Today we are going to register for school and go shopping. Hopefully I can find a library close by. When we reached the city, I saw there was a small library just right down the street from the school. Once I saw the school I realized how big it was. "Wow! This place is huge! I'm definitely getting lost in here." I said looking out the window. My mother parked the car right infront. "Alright dearies, you both ready?" She asked excitedly. I nodded, a little nervous, but Lila wanted nothing to do with this place.

We walk inside the first set of doors and then another before entering into the main hall. The walls were just glass windows on both sides and were just staff offices. I guess so they could see who enters the building. I noticed little signs hanging right above each door letting you know what they were. Front desk, nurse, councilor, principle. The doors had the signs but looking in from the outside there were no walls separating them so we just entered the front office door. "Hello, what can I do for you?" The front desk lady asked. My mother answered. "Yes I'd like to register my daughters." "Why so late in the school year?" Rude, I thought to myself. "We just moved here from Texas." "That's nice." She said without the slightest care. "You'll need to fill out these forms. Everything that's highlighted but don't worry about the rest." She slapped the papers on the desk instead of handing them to my mother. Lila snapped at her. "Hey lady no need to have an attitude!" "Lila it's fine now hush." "No mother she's being rude!" Lila was getting frustrated by the second. I step infront of Lila and tell her to calm down. My mother grabs the papers and says, "maybe if you'd get that stick out your ass, you'd have a better day. Bye now." I look at my mother shocked at what I just heard and look towards Lila and we both laugh walking out the door.

We got back to the car and I look at my mother and her face is just so red. "Calm down mother, before you get a stick up your ass." Lila laughs and that makes mother laugh. We head to the grocery store getting all kinds of food and snacks and drinks. Mother let's us have wine sometimes with dinner so we pick out what we want. We get beer for father. He let me try some before and it was God awful. Wine is sweeter and taste like grapes. We get back home and I noticed other vehicles in the driveway and people on ladders painting the house. Some were doing some landscaping, fixing the bushes and cutting the grass. We help mother take all the groceries inside and put them away. My father comes into the kitchen when an older man. "Hunny I would like you to meet my boss Mr. Hamilton, sir this is my wife Hecuba, and my daughters Gabrielle and Lila." He shook our hands. "Very nice to meet you all and please call me Ted. My real name is Theodore but everybody calls me Ted." "Well it's nice to meet you as well Ted, I want to thank you for giving my husband a chance at this job we were struggling for so long." "No no no, it's my pleasure, plus I couldn't have done this if it wasn't for him and his idea anyway." "Well we still thank you and would like to invite you and your family for dinner." Ted looked to my father and they both smiled. "You sure you can feed my whole family?" "What do you mean?" My mother asked. "Well everybody you see here is my family, literally. It's a family business and now I consider you all apart of it now." My mother looked shocked. I was too there was like thirty people here working on our house. "Well if that's the case, yes I would be happy to make a feist for the whole family if you all would like that. I just went shopping for us but I can go get more!" "She's not joking, food is a way we show appreciation and care, so making sure everyone here has a full stomach would make my mother very happy." I told Ted. He smiles at me. "Gabrielle right, your father has told me allot about you. He says your an amazing writer and story teller." I smile and nod at him. "I guess I we stay for dinner, I'd like to hear one of your stories." I just stood there not answering. I've never told my stories to allot of people just some kids in my class and there's more than half that amount about to be in my new dining room listening to me tell a story. Lila smacked my arm and I flinched rubbing it, she slaps hard. "Oh um.. s.sure. I could do that." My father smiled at me and I look at him. 'The things I do for you old man.' He laughs like he knows what I'm thinking. They excuse themselves to walk back outside. "I guess I I to go prepare for a story now." "That's my girl!" Mother pats me on the back. "I'm glad I don't tell stories." Lila says laughing at me. I head to my room and prepare a story.

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