Icy Blue

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I was sitting on my bed trying to come up with an amazing story to tell my father's boss and his family. Writing down everything I could possibly think of. I hear the sound of a chainsaw being started and someone yelling. "Watch it you asshole!" I go out on my balcony and I see a man strapped up in a tree with a chainsaw he is laughing looking down. I follow where he's looking and I see a woman she flips him off and walks away carrying a branch that the man cut down. I couldn't help but admire how strong she was picking up that big branch without any help. She's got on dark blue jeans and work boots and a black t-shirt with the sleeves cut off. She has tattoos on her arms I can't tell what they are from up here. Her hair is jet black and tied up in a messy bun. I watch her throw the branch into a wood chipper. She turns to walk back and light a cigarette. All of a sudden she looks up like she knew I was watching. I panicked I didn't know what to do so I just stood there. She started walking and kept looking towards me. She was wearing sunglasses so hopefully she wasn't really looking at me. That's what I thought until she stopped walking and looking right towards me and smirked taking another hit from her cigarette. I quickly turned and went back inside. My heart was pounding. 'She was looking at me. Oh my God I'm so embarrassed now!' I went back to peak outside and noticed she went back to work. Her strong arms carrying those big branches, damn what I would give to be that branch. What am I thinking! I got to get back to work. I shook off all thoughts of that woman and her arms and went back to writing. I came up with the perfect story I could think of hopefully everyone else will think so too.

I put away all my stuff after going over the story and have it memorized. My sister comes to get me to help her and mother cook dinner and get the tables ready. We had to move the other dining tables we had into one area so we could all eat together. Yes my new house was so huge we had like four other dining rooms. I'm not bragging, honestly I would have loved to jus have one dining room. But the boss man helped my father pick the house and helped him buy it for us so I'm not complaining. Lila and I set up the tables making sure everyone had silverware and a cup of water. They will be asked about their choice of drink once they are seated. We made the dinner displayed as a buffet thinking it would be easier to everyone picking what they wanted on their own. "Sweety go let your father know dinner is ready." "Sure thing." I walk to the back yard to find my father. He's standing with his boss and the woman that caught me watching her, they're all talking and laughing together. I walk up to them not wanting the woman to notice me. I tap on my father's shoulder he turns to me. "Ah Gabrielle, I would like you to meet someone. Gabrielle this is Ted's daughter, Xena. Xena this is Gabrielle." I look up to her, she's so tall like a foot and a half taller than me. She takes off her sunglasses and reaches her hand out. I slowly reach out my hand to grab hers. No words could come to mind I was just mesmerized starring into the most beautiful bluest eyes I have ever seen. She's just starring right back at me. Like she could see right into my soul. I feel her squeeze my hand and rub her thumb over mine. That sent a shiver up my spine. It wasn't until my father bumped his shoulder into mine that made me come to. "Oh um.. n-nice to meet you. I-im Gabrielle..." she smiles the biggest smile, her teeth are so white, wow she's gorgeous. "Hello Gabrielle, I'm Xena." "Xena" is all I could say. "Gabrielle" She says with that smirk again. We are both still holding each other's hands until I get scared by someone popping up behind Xena. "And I'm Tarus! Nice to meet you!" He knocks Xenas hand out of mine and starts shaking it vigorously. I look towards him, he looks just like Xena except his eyes aren't as blue as hers. He has long black hair as well and is almost the same height. Another boy walks up and wraps his arms around their necks. He has dirty blonde hair and blue eyes like Tarus. "Please ignore my brother he's an idiot and an attention whore. My name is Lycious." I shake his hand as well. "Nice to meet you all." Before I could say my name she beats me to it. "This is Gabrielle." She smirks at me again and I can't help but blush at her saying my name. Her voice is deep and soft. "Gabrielle did you need something?" My father asks. "Um y-yes mother said dinner is ready and everything is all set up." "Great I'm starving!" Tarus said loudly. Xena gestured for me to lead the way while Ted announced to everyone to wash up and come eat. I walked leading them inside feeling eyes on my back the whole time. Everyone made it to their seats with their meals and talking and having a good time. Laughing at a joke Tarus was telling I couldn't help bit get that feeling again of someone starring at me so I look around the room. That's when I saw her, Xena, starring right at me. She's at another table on the other side of the room. She smirks again, alright, you wanna play this game I can play it too. I grab my cup while keeping eye contact as she moves to where her whole body is facing me now. I take a drink of my wine, our eyes never leaving each other, she raised her brow. I slowly put the cup down and lick the juice off my lips. I watch her eyes grow big and a shade of red comes to her cheeks. She looks away and I smile knowing I won. As everyone was finishing up their food, Ted reminded me of the story I was supposed to tell. All eyes were on me when I stood and started telling my story. "Long ago in ancient Greece, there lived a boy named Hercules..."

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