First Day of School

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"Get up Lila! It's our first day at a new school we can't be late!" I hear her groan and curse me out down the hall. I rush down stairs to get breakfast and make sure I have all my school things ready to go. Lila finally comes down stairs dragging her feet and groaning still. "Come on Lila I don't want to be late! You either hurry up or I'm leaving you!" "Then leeaavveee! I don't care!"
"Oh come on, I'm pretty sure you're going to make new friends and I promise I won't tell people we are related." She glares at me then rolls her eyes stuffing her face with pancake. "Fine I'm coming." I jump up and run to the car yelling at mother to hurry as well. As Lila sits in the back I see mother trying to rush out the house fiddling with her keys. She rushes over muttering 'I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm here.' She starts the car. I get more and more excited the closer we get to school.

When we arrived I hurried out the car grabbing my bag and practically ran to the doors. I was stopped by Lila calling out to me. "Gabrielle wait! Here it's our register papers." "Why can't you take them in I don't want to be late to class." "Because I already don't like that front desk bitch and I don't have answers if she asks any questions." I snatched the papers from her and push her inside. I watch her walk away as I'm waiting at the front desk. The woman finally shows up and I hand her the papers. As I'm standing there she just stares at me. "Well what are you waiting for go to class." Wow she still has that stick in her ass then. "Well I was just waiting in case you had questions and also I need my schedule." She sighed really big and rolled her eyes angrily moving stuff around and looking for something. She then throws a piece of paper at me and just says 'schedule' and walks away. 'Front desk bitch' is all I could think.

I look through my schedule and literature is my first class. Excited I rush down the hall and to my class. I walk in and all eyes were on me. I walk towards the teacher and tell her who I am. She smiles and welcomes me and told me to introduce myself to the class. My eyes grew big and I nervously turned to face the class. "Class attention! We have a new student." The class got more quiet than it was. "Hello, um my name is Gabrielle. I just moved here from Texas." The whole class responds "hi Gabrielle". The teacher tells me to have a seat. The only desk left was right infron of her desk in the very front row. I sit down and the boy next to me taps my shoulder. "Hi I'm Joxer. Don't worry I was new too last year it's great here once you get the hang of it." I smiled at him then the teacher got our attention. "Alright class I'm going to pass out books we are going to be reading for next week and when we are finished reading you guys get to do a group project. But since last week we had a problem, I will be picking groups." Everyone complained. "That's not fair!" A boy yelled from the back. "Ares you are the main reason for this anyway so everyone thank Ares." He looks really mad. "It wouldn't have been if Joxer would have kept his mouth shut." I look at Joxer and he's trying to slide down his seat. I wonder what happened. The teacher slammed a big ruler on the desk and yelled. "It's over deal with it! I'm picking groups and one more word out of you and you're going to be doing the assignment on your own plus some!" I heard some kids laughing in the back and the teacher called them out. "Keep laughing and the same will happen to you." Then I hear a familiar voice. "I'm all for it teach I prefer to work alone." I turn to see if my ears are correct and they definitely were. It's her, it's Xena! She caught me looking and smiled and winked. I smile back and shake my head.

Class was over now and I try to hurry out as I see Xena walk out. 'Damn her long legs and lack of backpack.' As I'm walking out I notice Joxer by his locker and that boy Ares he has him backed up against the lockers. I don't like bullies. It's different if I'm being bullied but if I see it happen to someone else I'm stepping in. "Hey! Get out of his face I'm pretty sure he's about to puke because for your breath." Ares glares at me while Joxer is trying to tell me it's fine and I should go. "No its not fine he shouldn't be in your face like that." Ares walks up to me. "Would you prefer if I get in your face then blondy?" He gets too close and I was right about his breath and I wave my hand and gag a little. "I'd prefer you didn't get in anybody face because I was right your breath is horrible! Do you even brush?!" I can see him getting angrier but I stand my ground. He wouldn't hit a girl infront of people. Would he.. He goes to say something but he then looks behind me and walks off pointing a finger at me saying he's coming for me. I roll my eyes and mimick him and go check on Joxer. "Hey are you alright what happened?" "You didn't have to do that Gabrielle you could have gotten hurt!" "Don't mind me I just can't stand a bully." "Oh and thank you Xena for helping her too." Xena? I turn and see what actually scared off that creep. She walks up to us. "No problem you know you have to watch out for Ares. Are you alright Gabrielle?" Hearing my name coming from this goddess of a woman just makes me melt. "Oh um yes I'm fine. You didn't have to.." She held up her hand "I did because if he would have laid a finger on you I'd be in jail for murder." She says all serious and straight faced. "Oh well I'm honored you would kill for me." I said jokingly but I had second thoughts when she said, "without a doubt." Ok lady! Slow your horses. Please be serious. "So Joxer what did you do this time?" She asked. He looked at her shocked "I did nothing it was the teacher you were there!" "Oh right, you know I fall asleep in that class." "So you two are friends?" I asked. They looked at each other and in union they both say 'No', confused I just nod and say ok. "So what class do you have next?" Joxer asked me. I look at my schedule, "um gym.. wait gym!? Who has gym this early!?" Xena laughs at me and says "me." I look up, "your kidding right." She smiles. "Nope, it's our next class." "Our?" Joxer jumps in. "She's talking about me we have the same schedule." I stop and think for a second. "Wait do either of you have your schedule?" Joxer hands me his. And just as I thought we have the same schedule. "Wow it's the same. Well I guess we are going to be together all day then." I said while looking at Xena. Joxer wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "It looks like it just promise me Gabrielle, promise me you won't fall inlove with me." Xena grabs one of his fingers with two of hers and he is in instant pain and she says. "I'm pretty sure she wont." She fixes my sleeve again and turns to walk to gym. 'Oh really you wanna play here too. Alright then. Just wait till I get to gym.' I start down the hall and joxer runs to catch up.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2022 ⏰

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