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Um yeah i kinda love incorrect quotes so this is some stuff that may or may not have actually been said, hope u enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it😊

Changbin- "I'll kick your ass"
Violet- "I don't take shit talk from oompah-loompahs"
Violet- "Do I care? NO BITCH"
Changbin- "Shut up u short ass"
Violet- "FINE"

Felix- Hope this isn't too nsfw for you guys but I'd really like to hold a hand
The others- *Complete confusion silence*
Violet- *walking up to him and slipping her hand in his* it's ok only if it's my hand
Felix- *With his pretty ass smile* thank youuu

Felix- I think you owe me an apology
Violet- Apology? Bitch for what?
Felix- for stealing my heart
Violet- haha mhm yeah that's not happening

Violet- *Standing on a chair* don't go over there....
Chan- why??
Violet- I saw a spider.
Chan- Well did u kill it?
Violet- I only have two arms and it has eight, it's not fair-

Violet- There is fried fish fillets for dinner
Lee know- It's 2:15am wtf
Violet- Bitch do you want fried fish fillets or not?
Lee know- well I mean yea
Violet- then come downstairs

Jisung- *sends sexy edit of bob the builder to the groupchat*
Chan- You know I worry about you sometimes
Violet- LMAO send another one
Chan- Stop it.

Jisung- When I die I want you to lower my casket into the ground so you can let me down one last time.
Violet- Holy fuck Jisung IT WAS ONE BITE

Interviewer- How many cats do you have?
Minho- 5
Interviewer- Don't you have 3?
Minho, bringing lix and vi closer to him- 5

Chan- why, dear god, is the MNET building on fire?!!!
Jisung- A dragon sneezed
Felix- Tried to light a candle with a flamethrower
Changbin- I dropped my mixtape
Chan- Violet, what happened
Violet- uh
[Flashback to Violet and Jisung arguing over whether or not a fire extinguisher can catch on fire]
Violet- I don't remember

Minho- Jisung and I don't use pet names
Violet- I see. Hey, what do bees make?
Minho- Honey?
Jisung- yes, cupcake?
Minho- *gay silence*
Violet- Don't ever lie to my face again.

Felix- Did you tell anyone we're dating?
Violet- Yes, I have absolutely no self control and told the entire rest of stray kids that we are dating.
Felix- Alright no need for sarcasm
Violet- No seriously. I have no self control and told everyone that we're dating.

Seungmin, has not seen Ratatouille- "Will somebody please help me get this rat out of the kitchen?"

Violet, smart, has seen Ratatouille- "Now wait just a minute."

Violet- [Walks in covered in blood]
Chan- "Amazing costume! Happy Halloween!"
Violet- "Oh it's Halloween, hmm well that's convenient."

Chan- "Well that was fun! We should go to the zoo more often! Did everyone have fun?"
Skz- "yeah!"
Violet- "yeah, it was great. I got a monkey!"
Chan- "That's the spirit- you got a WHAT??!!!"

Violet Diamonds // Stray Kids Ninth MemberWhere stories live. Discover now