Chapter 11 What comes around goes around

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Trisha POV

After a heartbreaking encounter with George, Cerena and I went back to the pack house to prepare for our mission here, so that we can go home and rest. after the Priestess who call herself Annabeth briefed us about the kind of shadeling we are dealing with and the info she gave us is not relevant to our powers but it seems we would take a hard time repelling it since it has accumulated light energy within it, I'm guessing the shadeling is one of the members of my old pack, who knows.

" Ok Anna lets go, Trisha are you ready?" Cerena called me downstairs and I nodded. I went down and into the living room where I see George sitting with Kira on his side eating chips. George stared at me but I avoided his gaze. It's for the better, I should move on.

" we will be heading now Alpha" Annabeth said and George nodded. " good luck and come back alive okay" he said mostly direct it to me. I ignored it and walk ahead of Cerena and Annabeth. after we trail the dark forest, I sense a glow in my waist. 

" its the stones" Annabeth said while getting hers. " Shadelings must be nearby." she stated and prepared her staff. " careful" she urged us and I nodded, I readied my hand. the gemstones seems to glow brighter until a change of environment, huge amounts of negative energy hit us three which made us flinch.

" hold on, Let me walk first " Cerena said and she walk effortlessly into the heavily environment. after we followed her, we suddenly came to a stop and we look at the piling corpse on the ground. " rogues" Annabeth said while kneeling in front of the corpse and she closed her eyes, she focused for a moment and stand up with white eyes. 

" let me do a ritual on this corpse, the least we can do is make them pass through the dimension, stay back" she exerted huge amount of energy in the sky and the corpse start to glow brighter. until the bright glow disappeared, the corpse is now gone. 

" what happen to them" I asked Annabeth she landed on the ground and blew a breath " I transported their corpse into the cemetery dimension, there they can lay for eternity until their soul can go back to the moon goddess." she explained and I nodded.

All Priestess was created by Arceus himself in hopes to make them a guardian to any souls so that it could passed peacefully.  " we must recover their souls from the shadelings." she mentioned and we stared at her " was that even possible?" Cerena asked her and she nodded. " we were trained by the God himself, so yeah its possible. even you guardians can do it but massive amount of energy will be consumed, you could end passing out if you haven't mastered it." she explained and we continue to the forest.

the deeper we go the environment seems to intensify, I use my light magic to at least lessen the negative energy around, it made my power weak. " the dark energy here is so strong." I commented which Annabeth agreed. 

" yes, this place has been occupied by shade mind, the producer of this negative energy around" she added and we all went to the heart of this abomination, when we reach a clearing there we saw many shades with different colors and huge blob of ghostly bloating figure in the center which is twitching.

" there it is, ok on my signal get ready" Annabeth said and raise her hand. " 3, 2, 1" she counted and Cerena and I transformed into our magic form, " NOW!" she shouted and I teleported us three in the middle, Annabeth slammed her staff on the ground creating a light rift.

" begone creatures of the dark" Cerena levitated raising her hands she summoned a ball of swirling void, she throw it on the ground " Rise up Voidlings" she chanted and small void critters walked out and crawl towards the shade who effortlessly swipe at the critters. 

Raising my hands I did a magical dance clapping my hands and spreading them I summoned 10 light spikes, swirling them with one another I made it into a Bow of glowing light. I used the bow to hit the shades hastily.

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