Chapter 21 Revered Princess

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Tricia POV

After the earth shaking revelation the ninjas showed me. The gang and I went back to the pack house to summarise everything.

" Are you okay?" Cerena Asked me and I didn't respond, she seemed to understand my silence and went to her office.

Good, I need to process everything. Not a minute passed, someone barged in the front door.

I looked up and saw the Pack enforcer panting. I immediately stand up and went to him when all of a sudden he stopped me with his palm.

" Lady Tricia, don't go near me. Or you'll get Infected" the pack enforcer grunted in pain. Immediately I mind linked Cerena and seconds later she arrived and immediately she encased the pack enforcer in a ball of shadow.

" Everyone stand back, Frederick has contracted the Shardite Curse" Cerena ordered and everyone stepped back. Following their alphas order.

" Trici-" Cerena did not finished her word when all of a sudden Frederick transformed into something horrifying. His skin started to become gray and his face became lifeless. His hands started to shrivel backward and is slowly replaced by a bladed claws.

After a gruesome transformation frederick screamed out and he broke through the barrier. Everyone in the living room started running outside.

"Re-v-e-r-ed P-pr-incess" the transformed Frederick tried to reach out to me, but it's more like charging towards me, I blocked him using a barrier. " Revered what?" I asked him and suddenly he stopped. everyone in the premises started to gather and not a minute too soon, the creature dematerialized into thin air like it was nothing.

" what was that all about" I asked Cerena but she didn't respond. instead she grabbed something from the floor where the monster was standing a second ago, she picked up the vial that contains an essence of a living being.

" Essence of Being? why would the monster drop this" Cerena said while examining the vial. there was a shimmering smoke that emanates glitters and is moving the same as the snowglobe ornament.

" I know what that is" Someone stated. Cerena and I looked at the person who spoke and was shocked to see Kira, with George on her side, she walked to us while holding her belly, last time I check it was still small but now it's getting big. maybe she is on her due, I heard something inside me stir, but I Ignored it, not now there are still unanswered question.

" Alpha George, Luna Kira to what do I owe you the pleasure" Cerena greeted both of them and I just nodded avoiding the scrunitizing stare of my mate. 

" Alpha Cerena, I'll cut to the chase, my Luna here" George started while I tried suppressing my growl. dammit not now. hold it in Tricia.

" has something to say regarding to that vial your holding." George continued and Cerena nodded listening to what Kira has to say.

" Alpha, if I'm not mistaken that vial your holding is an essence that contain the memories of a person during his humanitarian living. the Shardite curse was a specialty of my Clan . the Sharditus Arcanus wiccan clan. and yes if your asking how I know, I'm half wiccan half werewolf." Kira said and we all stared at her. 

Half wiccan half werewolf, is there such thing as that exist in this realm. I thought Wiccans are not allowed to breed or mate with a werewolf, there is a law about that in this realm, the rule said.

Wiccans, are not allowed to associate themselves to any supernatural beings excluding witches and warlocks , for reasons that they don't compare in terms of standing and hierarchy in the supernatural realm. each realm has its own policies regarding to law and order, to maintain balance. that's why  I was confused why half breeds do exist in this realm, and to top it all off a Half wiccan. do even things exist.

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