Chapter 1: Hungover and Hard Up

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I woke up to the sound of a song on the radio. Springsteen, I think. It was one I liked, but I couldn't tell which. My ears were ringing. "I'm hungover," I thought. "Again." I was glad today was my day off. I stood up, then immediately fell to the floor. I cut my foot open on a busted bottle of Jack Daniel's. When I got done screaming obscenities, I got up and limped to the bathroom. I picked the glass out of my foot, wrapped it in a paper towel, and put a sock on it. I was hot, so I didn't put a sock on the other foot. I laid out in a chair, and before I got comfortable, the phone rang. As I sprung up to get it (not forgetting to wince at the pain in my foot), I remembered that I had a date with Mary tonight. "Jesus, it's probably her," I thought. I liked her, but she was the last person I'd like to talk to in the morning. I picked up the phone, expecting a high-pitched, angry whine, but instead I got a low, gritty growl. It was my boss. I didn't know what he wanted, and I definitely didn't want to find out.

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