Welcome Mats and Vampires

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It's a know fact that vampires cannot enter a house unless invited in. But it doesn't need to be a verbal invitation...

* CRASH * 

"AH- What the hell was that?!" I quickly stand up and grab the nearest thing that could be considered a weapon. 

"Okay- okay- don't panic. You're just going to confront a possible axe-murderer. With a coat hanger..." I'm not panicking, I swear. I slowly creep down the stairs and down the hallway. Where did the noise come from- 

"Ow! fuck-"  The kitchen! I walk into the kitchen and look through the doorway. THERE'S A RANDOM GUY RUMMAGING THROUGH MY FRIDGE. 

"Ah hell no- not my food." 

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I hold out the hanger to the stranger like a sword, my yell has seem to taken them off guard. They turn to look at me, they have a chunk of leftover pork in their mouth- MY PORK?! 

"Looking for food" 

"WHY ARE YOU IN MY HOUSE?!" The stranger stands up and I take a step back, they're tall. Really tall, and has a odd sense of fashion. A off-white frilly shirt but I own a black version of those shirts so I can't judge. Their boots are nice though, well-kept leather. 

"Because I walked through the door.." I snap back to reality, I see that this strange person has stepped closer to me. 

"STAY AWAY!" I throw the hanger I was holding at them and take another step back.



* CRASH * 

"O-oww.." I put my hand to my head after I sit up, I just tripped over my cat- WAIT, MY CAT!

"MAU?!" I open my eyes and almost fall back when I see two seemingly glowing, crimson eyes staring back at me. 

"AH-" A hand covers my mouth and I freeze in fear, I look up at the stranger kneeling in front of me.

"Can you stop screaming?" I gulp and nod, it's probably best I listen right now. They take their hand away from my face and we stare at each other for a few moments. I start taking in all of the figures I can see on their face, not much as it's still dark. I can see that they have void like hair, it's not really a colour but just an absence of light. Glowing eyes, a scar running across their throat and two sharp teeth- sharp? 

"You know, don't you? I can tell. You humans are terrible at hiding things.." My gaze is always on the two pearl white fangs, never leaving the two teeth. 


"Positive" I reach my hand back to my head and quickly pull it away and hiss in pain.       

"Are you injured?" 

"It's not much, I'll probably have a bruise tomorrow... and this headache" I can already feel the pounding from where my head hit the floor.

"..It's minus temperatures that you humans use to treat bruises, correct?" I look back up at the eyes staring into mine, I can see slight concern behind them. 

"Yes? Normally ice but I don't have any right now..." 

//30  minutes later// 

"Is there still pain?" I look down at the mug of coffee in my hand, I'm still processing what happened. A vampire broke into my house, ate my food and is now holding a bag of frozen peas to my head to help relive pain. 

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