Waking up

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I woke up on something soft and squishy and of course like any normal person would do I squished it. It was also warm and felt nice, nothing that I've feel before. I felt a soft breeze on my head I looked up and thought. " wait a damn minute is that a head?!".

I push myself up and realized what I was squishing was a boob! I then sat straight up and thought "Is this a dream?" I then pinch myself and said "yep vErY real" in pain. I wondered, what happened before this to get me stuck here?

I think back "I was on vacation on a boat for a school trip because we won a competition and got first place. So the while school was on the boat and we were hanging out when-"

My thought was interrupted by the girl beneath me moving then suddenly stop I looked at her and she looked at me. I was about to say something when she said "What the fuck, I must be dreaming" and layed back down I then stood up amd stayed there.

Then after a minute she opened her eyes and looked at me and said " Nenad that you?". I look at her in suprise and say "how do you know my name?".

We just stare at each other and she said "even if this just a dream this'll do". She grabbed me and turned to her right and put me between both her boobs and huge me gently.

I was very confused,but I decided to risk it! I moved my arm a bit so my hand was touching her boob. I gently poked it and squeezed it. I looked at her face and she didn't seem to notice.

So I squeezed and poked it a little more until I was satisfied and went to sleep.

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