The wierd dream

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I was having a weird dream where my wooden doll turned into a person. That's when I woke up and saw this little person sitting on me.

When I looked closer it looked like the same boy from my dream. I looked around a bit and noticed my wooden doll wasn't there only the little man.

I say "what the fuck, I must be dreaming" I close my eyes thinking this is just another dream,but it didn't feel like one.

I kept my eyes closed then opened them after a minute. To (some how) not my suprise the boy was still there.

I then said "Nenad that you?" the thing was, that was my wooden dolls name so this was my thought process.

If my doll really turned into a boy they should have similarities like, thier name.

When I said that name he looked surprised and said "how do you know my name?" I kind of just stared and thought. "I mean I am in the middle of no where with none like me I could use some company".

The reason of this is because I am a powerful person. Not a emperor or anything, I am the most powerful creature in the entire dimension. One of the main reasons for being this powerful is because of many previous lives.

Because this world is covered on mana there are only wizards and wizardess's. The most surprising thing is that no has developed martial art skills, like at all! I've searched the entire world and there are 0 martial art practioners.

Because there are martial prectioners in this world I am the only one. So that leaves me with a world full of Qi just for me to cultivate.

Still if you have 0 social interaction for a long time you get lonley. I would know, it's very lonley.

I then say "even if this is a dream this'll do". I'm afraid I'll accidentally kill him somehow so as gently as I can grab him and hold him to my chest.

I'm so tired because the past few days I hadn't been sleeping well. So when I felt the warmth of another living person I fell right asleep and didn't wake up till late morning.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2022 ⏰

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