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Hello my loves. Sorry for what i am about to do to Elijah😖

 Sorry for what i am about to do to Elijah😖

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It was almost midnight when Elijah arrived. Carla and Antoinette lurked behind him like lost puppies. In this case, he was the lost puppy. He stared at the tall building replicating Rzej's penthouse. The black glass skyscraper glistened like crystal under the moonlight. At the very top of the building, a spire shined a beaconing red light. To what? Elijah had no idea.

"Are you sure you want to do this? It seems suspicious." Carla placed her hands in his, smiling with warmth in her dark pink eyes.

"You don't have to do anything you don't wish to." Antoinette spoke up. She sniffed the lemony scent whiffing into her nose. It reminded her of home. Of her mother baking lemon cakes on Sundays for desserts.

"I have to," Elijah glanced at the double golden doors standing before them, waiting for him to enter. "I have to." He walked to the doors and it opened.

"Rich people." Carla muttered.

She and Antoinnett followed Elijah into the building. Golden and rose paint decorated the lobby walls. The rose-gold iron stairs leading up had Carla gulping. So many stairs. She stared at paintings of famous celestials hung on the walls looking cracked. Carla knew it was a design.

Rowena Waltz down the stairs in an incredible golden dress hugging the curves on her body. "You came, Elijah." She smiled, walking down the long spiral stairs until she stood before him.

"And us. We're here." Carla leaned in, standing in front of Elijah, as though she wanted to shield him from harm.

Rowena cast at her a smile. "Carla, right? The waiter at that cafe?"

Carla hummed. "Is your husband the blonde dude or the order blonde dude with long hair?" She crossed her arms over her chest.

Antoinette stared at Rowena, wondering where she'd seen her before. Something didn't add up.

"They're both my husbands. But Elijah's brother is the smaller one. He thought he might get the courage to go up to him, but it's not so easy." Rowena put on her best acting voice by changing the tone of her accent. She made her voice softer, more feminine than the husky incandescent voice she had. "Please, this way." She moved from the way, pointing to the stairs.

"If you say so." Carla grounded her teeth. She glanced at Elijah, nodding at him. "Good luck."

Elijah followed Rowena up the stairs, leaving Antoinette and Carla alone.

They waited for thirty minutes until smoke began slithering into the lobby. Carla stood from the chair she sat on and tugged at her vampire friend.

RZEJ - KLAUS MIKAELSONWhere stories live. Discover now