A Possession

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(( A/N: hi its paper I'm not serious about this I swear please don't kill m- I am actually completely serious about this /j ))

The sheen of a teal top hat laying on the floor illuminated the nearly pitch black room. As the door opened with a creeakk, the shine brightened. J tilted his head in confusion as he crouched by the hat. 
"What is this..?"
He reached a hand out to touch it out of some morbid curiosity, and then-
A loud crash resounded from the room, loud enough to beckon several others from the rooms adjacent. 
Xisti rushed after J, looking into the room in confusion,
"J, what's happening!?"
J was on the floor, hardly moving with the exception of very few, almost spastic, attempts to stand. 
He stood up, backing away, the tophat now fixed on his head. 
"WHO?! WHO'S HE!?"
"WH- SOAR-" Xisti sighed in frustration with the begrudged nickname. "IM LEAVING-" She turned on her heel and was about to walk out before Floofy skidded to the entrance,
"I heard a commotion?"
"FLOOFY-" Soar stumbled over to the entrance towards Floofy. 
Paper followed close behind Floofy, looking over her and Xisti's shoulders.
"Hey guys-"
"HI PAPER- I found a new body- I took over J-"
Paper stared at Soar, perplexed. "I am.. Incredibly confused?"
"Soar possessed J, I guess?" Xisti shrugged.
"IS IT REALLY YOU?!" Floofy took a step forward. 
"It clearly is!" Xisti said.
Soar nodded before sighing, "I must leave now..."
"WHAT-" Floofy flung her arms out.
"NOO!" Both Paper and Xisti chorused in sadness.
There was a bright flash of light and J stumbled back as the top hat vanished without a trace.
"Come back-" Xisti sighed.
Paper stared at J, "Uhh- the basement."
J braced himself on the wall as he recounted the experience, "All I remember was that I found a top hat on the floor and wore it-"
"Do it again!" Xisti encouraged.
"-It's gone now. I don't know where it is."
J shrugged. "Oh well.."
Paper pitched in, "Time to find the top hat!"
Xisti jumped up, "Im gonna go find it first!"
Floofy pulled out a pen and paper, scribbling something.
Loc came from the living room, "What happened?"
"Nothing!" Xisti gestured to accompany the word. 
"J got possessed," Paper shrugged casually.
J interrupted, "The words I remember though is... 'We'll meet again some sunny day'"
J headed through the doorway, not clarifying where exactly he was headed. No one really took notice.
"By who?" Loc raised an eyebrow.
"Soar's ghost, I dunno? A top hat."
"You guys must be good at making things up."
"I dunno, that's what everyone else was saying! Either J was acting or Soar actually possessed him."
Floofy proudly showed her drawing, a small blue and gold top hat, to Xisti, "Nah, you're not finding it first."
Xisti lunged for the paper, shouting, "DIBS!"
Floofy ran off into the house with the sheet of paper as Xisti chased her. Paper walked off to watch the chase as Loc sighed and headed to another part of the house.

-- End -- 

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