chapter 3

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???: Hello I'm Izuku Midoriya, It's nice to meet you 

zach:  nice to you meet you too

deku: can I ask you about your quirk?

zach: sure, It's a transformation-type quirk and it alters my appearance and it grants different abilities

deku: how much time do you transform and- mutter mutter mutter mutter.

zach: midoriya! you're muttering 

deku: sorry it's a habit

zach: its ok

(timeskip to class is over)

 (note: sorry I'm super lazy)

deku: can show me your quirk?

zach: sure

he then hits the watch and transforms into Fourmungousaur 

he then hits the watch and transforms into Fourmungousaur 

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zach: fourmungousaur!

deku: woah so cool!!

zach:  I can have super strength and use sonic claps.

deku:  this is so very cool!!

they do a few mock battles 

he reverts back into zach

deku: does your quirk have a limit?

zach:  it doesn't really have a  limit and I can stay transformed for as long as I want 

deku: interesting! do you have other shapeshifts?

zach: yeah I sure do I'll show you

zach:  Terra Titan!

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zach:  Terra Titan!

deku: amazing! you have limitless shapeshifts depending on the situation you're given

zach demonstrates his alien's powers. zach creates boulders out of the rocks and creates one big boulder.

deku: fascinating, no wonder you were able to be at the top of the class, you have limitless powers and you can control your quirk safely

zach: you can too control your quirk if you put enough hardwork and belief into it.

deku: thanks for showing me your quirk

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