Chapter 1

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"Fuck- I'm gonna- I'm..." Her body shifts, driving upwards and her fingers tighten just slightly in the mane of dark hair between her legs, fingers curling and palms clenching. Her head falls backwards against the pillow, sweat slicked hair damp against the back of her neck as she crests the wave of her high.

Lips part, lungs scrambling for breath as her eyes fall shut, nothing but darkness and wet heat between her legs. Her orgasm rushes through her, making her quiver as soft, gentle touches ease her down, sucking and kissing gently until she slumps back against the ruined sheets, body rapidly cooling as the sheen of sweat on her skin coaxes gooseflesh to ripple over her.

The kisses placed softly to the inside of her thighs pull a long shiver from her body, drawing it out as easily as if she's a marionette and she peels open an eye to peer down through the late afternoon light at where the dark-haired woman is looking at her, her head resting against the inside of her thigh, a small smug smile on her shining lips.

"Don't look so pleased with yourself."

Lisa's laugh is deep and soft, like jewel toned velvet and she heaves herself up until she is lying beside Jennie in the bed, drawing the soft blue blanket Jennie keeps in a pile at the bottom of the bed up and over their bare bodies.

"What, four orgasms aren't a good enough Christmas present?"

Jennie can only roll her eyes, huffing softly but unable to keep her eyes away from the girl for long as Lisa stretches out beside her, throwing her hands behind her head and exposing small, per breasts from beneath the blanket.

"I suppose it'll do," she twists onto her side, leaning up on her elbow to watch as Lisa casts a small smile in her direction. There's something immensely satisfying about pulling a smile from the usually stoic girl and though they've been sleeping together for five months-

(not that Jennie's counting)

- she still feels a flurry of butterflies at the sight. "What are you doing for the holidays then?" Lisa turns back to look at the ceiling of her dorm room again, shrugging against the sheets and running a hand through the errant strands of tangled hair as she says, with disinterest, "studying. I don't really do Christmas."

Jennie wrinkles her nose, shifting a little closer to make sure Lisa sees her displeasure at her answer, "you're going to study all of the winter break? Won't your family want to spend time with you?"

"I don't think so, seeing as they'll be on another continent." Lisa replies dryly and then, at Jennie's confused expression, explains, "we aren't spending the holidays together. My parents are in Rome on a business trip."

"On Christmas?" Jennie sounds aghast and Lisa rolls her eyes, laughing carelessly. "We're staunch atheists Jennie, Christmas doesn't mean anything to us."

"Yeah but," she splutters over her words, outraged, "we're not exactly the most religious people in the world but my family still get together at Christmas! What about your sister?"

Lisa casts her a sideways glance and Jennie remembers abruptly that Lisa has never mentioned her sister to her, it had only become common knowledge from copious Facebook stalking and she flushes at the realization.

"My sister is spending the holidays with her girlfriend and her family."

"Couldn't you go with her?" Jennie presses on fruitlessly and Lisa sighs heavily, heaving herself up and over until she is straddling the blonde, pushing her firmly back against the mattress in a way that makes Jennie's mouth go dry.

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