Chapter 2

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Lisa wakes up to the feeling of warm breath across her cheeks and a wet touch to her neck and jaw line. Her eyes crinkle and she turns a little towards the touch, squinting her eyes open to peer through the dim room, disorientated. Something warm and moving is beneath her fingers, with short, tightly curled hair and she leans up on her elbow, eyes darting down and widening in surprise when wide, black eyes stare back at her, a long pink tongue lolling from the mouth of the fluffy grey dog lounging on her bed, tail thumping softly against the mattress as it wags.

"Um, hello."

It's vaguely ridiculous and the dog shuffles forwards, sniffing at her hands in enquiry until she gives it and rubs her fingers through its fur, scratching behind its ear to appease it.

"Alright, let me just..." she edges out of the bed and the dog sits up but doesn't move from the tangle of blankets to follow her.

Hurriedly, Lisa pulls the pair of jeans she wore the day before from the back of the chair in the corner and yanks them on, tugging out a sweater from her suitcase to pull over the old band shirt she wears to bed. There's a thin crack of light coming through the gap in the curtains and when she pulls them back the bright sun on the sparkling snow startles her, making her squint and frown. It's clearly later than she thought and when she goes to grab her phone from its place beneath her pillow- watching the dog cautiously as she does- she realises that it is past eleven am.

Tugging nervously at the sleeves of her sweater she rounds her hair into a tangled band at the back of her head and pats her knee experimentally, watching with grateful eyes when the dog jumps obediently off the bed and trots after her when she leaves the room.

Downstairs there is an unmistakable smell of bacon frying and the dog hurries ahead of her through a wide doorway and into a large, homely kitchen; all wood floors and white countertops, plant pots filled with wilting herbs lining the windowsill and reminders scribbled onto pieces of paper stuck with magnets to the fridge. A few Christmas cards are taped to the doors and Lisa lingers in the doorway for a moment, watching the figures inside move around one another with smooth experience of people who know each other well.

Taehyung is arguing with Octavia, who is perched on a countertop in sweats and a beanie, about the cereal she is eating, meanwhile Lincoln is manning the bacon frying over the hob while Jennie potters around in only shorts and an old oversized hoodie that Lisa recognizes from her bedroom floor. Jennie must have only just got up, Lisa has noticed that that particular garment acts more as a robe than anything else, to be thrown on over pjs.

The thought makes her blush and she's glad that they notice the dog who bounds into the room before her, giving her time to gather herself.

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