Chapter 4: UA Training Start!

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Shigeo slowly opened his eyes and winced at the sudden pain. He grasped his throat, rubbing it where it hurt the most. His entire body was sore. It took a lot of energy to sit up, so he gave up and laid his head back on the pillow. He was startled to look at all of the wires and tubes connected to him, watching the monitors around him as they beeped rhythmically. The events of yesterday reminded him why he was there.

"Kageyama-san, you're awake." A nurse quietly opened the door, clipboard in one hand and a pen in the other. "Are you feeling alright?" She stood by his side and checked the monitors, writing something related down on the clipboard.

"I'm fine," He croaked. "Can I have some water, please?"

"Of course," the nurse smiled, "Just after a few questions. Are you feeling any nausea, blurry vision, headaches, or severe pain?"

"No. It only hurts a little bit."

"Alright. I'm going to need you to sit up for me, Kageyama-san."

He struggled with gathering the energy to move.

"Oh, dear. Here, let me help." The nurse gently pulled him up by the back of his neck and held him steady. "I'm just going to check your awareness." She shined a light into his eyes, and Shigeo recoiled. "Sorry, sorry. Please stay still. I won't be long," The nurse smiled. "Aaalright. Everything is working fine, so there's nothing to worry about. You will have to stay for a day or two for observation, but other than that, you're on a steady track to recovery." She stood up and wrote a few things down on the clipboard. "Right. I'll be back with your water in a bit. I think you have some visitors, too."

Shigeo watched the nurse leave the room. He heard her converse with some very worried people, then watched his family— plus Izuku and his mom— come in.

"Oh, my baby boy, are you okay?!" Mrs. Kageyama flung her arms around him, promptly letting go when she heard him wince. "Sorry, sorry, dear. Here, the nurse said it was okay to eat now." She produced a lunch box from her bag and moved down a tray onto the bed. It smelled good, and Shigeo didn't realise how hungry he was until the mention of food. He wolfed his food down, ignoring the pain in his throat from swallowing.

"Thanks, mom." Shigeo smiled. He noticed a quiet Ritsu standing at the end of the bed, clutching the bottom of his shirt. "Ritsu. I'm sorry for making you worried."

Ritsu was silent as he made his way towards his brother, giving him a long hug. "I'm glad you're okay," He whispered, blinking away the tears. Shigeo curled his arms around the other, resting his head on his shoulder. "Izuku helped."

The Kageyamas and Inko all turned to look incredulously at the curly haired boy. He stammered, beads of sweat rolling down his temple.

"I— Uhm, it wasn't really a lot of help, really—!" Izuku was interrupted by a sudden embrace from Mrs. Kageyama.

"Oh, you silly boy. Whatever you did must have been so reckless, but— Something tells me that, without your help, Shigeo wouldn't have survived the attack," She cried with tears of joy.

Inko stared slack-jawed at her son. "You did what."

There is no greater wrath than that of an angry mother, and none worse than an angry, overprotective mother. He counted about 15 minutes of scolding after Inko took him outside the room for a "little talk." She rubbed the bridge of her nose as she slowly calmed down. "I love you too much to watch you fling yourself into danger like that, Izu. But... I guess you saved Shigeo's life. So I'm letting you off the hook."

"Sorry, mom. I would have told you yesterday, but I... I didn't want to make you more worried than you already were," He rubbed the back of his neck.

"Alright. Well, tell the Kageyamas I have an appointment elsewhere. They can drive you home, or do you have money for the bus?"

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