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The sun's rays speckled through leaves as they bathed in its warmth. A light breeze brushed through the park full of people having picnics or enjoying the weather. Among these people were three boys: A boisterous young lad named Katsuki Bakugo, the self-appointed leader of his troop of boys, a messy-haired boy called Izuku Midoriya, who was struggling to keep up with his friends, and a timid young child named Shigeo Kageyama, who watched the green haired boy straggle from his group in the comfort of the shade.
Izuku tripped over his own feet and scraped his knees. His crying could be heard by the troop of boys, too engrossed in their roughhousing to properly notice. Shigeo saw, and ran over to see if he was okay.
"Your knees look really hurt. Do you need help?"
Izuku struggled to find words through the lump in his throat from crying, and managed a weak 'yes' through tears and snot.
Shigeo helped the tearful boy up and lead him to his parents, who were sitting on a blanket while his brother, Ritsu, played with his plastic cars.
"I'm Shigeo Kageyama. What's your name?"
"It's- *hic* Izuku M- *sniff* Midoriya,"
Immediately, his parents noticed the crying boy and got up to see the damage.
"Oh, my, what happened here? Where are your parents, dear?" Mrs Kageyama examined Izuku's scratches and dug inside her handbag for some bandaids.
"My mommy is in our apartment," Izuku whimpered, the lump in his throat now gone, allowing him to speak clearly again. "It's close to the park," He said, and pointed in the general direction of where he lived.
"Ah, good, so you're not lost," Mrs Kageyama looked over at her son. "You're such a good boy, Shigeo. Well done for bringing your friend over so I can help him,"
"Yeah, Kageyama-kun, you're so helpful, just like All Might. You could be a hero just like him one day!" Midoriya perked up after a few seconds, eager to gush about his number one idol once more.
Shigeo's eyes sparkled with glee as his hair started to float and the object around him did the same. He gasped. Was this his quirk?
"Mama, my quirk! I got it!" He put his hand up and Ritsu's cars immediately started to fly in the air. The young boy giggled in delight and clapped his hands, asking his brother to do it again. Izuku started in awe as Shigeo levitated various objects almost effortlessly. What a quirk. The excitement for his future quirk bubbled furiously in his chest more after witnessing what his new friend could do with his.
Katsuki came running over, wondering where Izuku went. He stopped and looked at the seemingly mundane boy in front of him and then looked at the many things he was levitating with his quirk.
"Wow!!! That's such a cool quirk! I bet you could use it to beat up all the villains!" Katsuki yelled.
Shigeo beamed with pride, his chest puffing up just a little bit more. He had a powerful quirk that people liked. He decided that he really liked his powers.

Until he didn't.

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