First and Foremost

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Hello readers, and welcome to my most ambitious book that has choices (roll credits!) and branching paths.

At some points of this book, there will be a break, usually at the end of each chapter (but do look out for midway choices) and *you* the reader, need to choose an option.

An example would be _______________________________________

Finn had ... for breakfast

A) Rice
B) Pancakes
C) Nothing


That's all I have to say, I hope you have a great time reading!

- Aiden

Edit :

Hello all, I'm sorry for disappearing and uhh, abandoning this story I've made. It's actually not that easy trying to come up with an original plotline, ironic as that is. I don't know where I'll go with this, but I hopefully will have figured something out. Until then, enjoy what I *have* written down here.

- Aiden

(To be continued?) ChoicesWhere stories live. Discover now