<?> chapter one <?>

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You're a normal person that's lived in Gotham for about 3 years, you've witnessed many crimes throughout your stay here.

You work a normal job at the cafe, nothing too big. You're the casual citizen in Gotham.

Sometimes you're amazed by the things you see in Gotham, and today wasn't any different.

At your job, you get normal customers. nothing ever stands out about any of them. Except for him. A sandy blonde haired man occasionally walks into the cafe at 3-4pm everyday. Your coworkers thinks it's odd, though, you're intrigued by what he does.

Eventually one day you've decided to attempt small talk with the mysterious man. After you hear the bell ding at the door, you see him sit down and you give him what he usually orders. He expects it at that point


He'd look at you in somewhat shock in someone talking to him, you couldn't tell though, he kind of just gave you an odd look.

"I'm sorry, that was sudden. hopefully this isn't too weird, but I've enjoyed you occasionally coming into the cafe and wanted to know your name for next time."


his name was Edward, definitely not expected from a guy like him but you thought it was cute.

"You have a cute name, Edward"

He looks at you even more confused now, him not knowing how to respond he look at you and nods while saying "Thank you."

You decide to go back to the counter waiting for more customers. He occasionally looked over at you, probably not expecting the compliment on his name.

This situation and seeing couples come into the cafe started making you think about relationships. you haven't been in one in about 6 years, it was a toxic relationship with your old boyfriend, Daniel. You thought of people you'd like to be in a relationship with, and Edward kept popping into your mind.

"What? him, really? I only know his name. He's cute but I shouldn't think like that." you said to yourself.

(little time skip)

Your shift finally ends. you go home to your apartment with no problem, surprisingly. You try to unlock your apartment door but it's not working, a man decided to help you, as he worked there.

You enter your apartment completely worn out. You decide to text one of your friends and tell her about the man at your cafe.


I am completely worn out like no joke this isn't funny anyways wanna hear a story

yeah, ig

ok so theres this guy who keeps coming to the cafe and I think he's rlly cute and I got his name today

oh ok
did you get his number? you should see if he likes dudes too 👀

no I didn't get his number I was too nervous to ask him plus he didn't seem like the type of person to talk

tmr u should try

nah I'm kind of scared to even talk to him again

you should try
who knows he might like you back

I wouldn't think so

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