<?> chapter four <?>

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Walking to your couch, you think "hes a strange man, but oddly the most comforting one ive been around in years. I dont know why im so un-phased by what hes done, but it feels like i know theres something to him." 

He directs you to sit down, you find this odd, considering that its your own couch. after sitting, he doesnt sit with you.

"sir, you can sit down" you say, trying not to sound annoyed. 

he hesitated for a moment, before sitting on the other side of the couch. "Okay, i think we should start discussing what you do." 

"I have a strong hatred towards politicians. ..sometimes i.. assassinate them."

"Were you the man on the news earlier.?"


You arent sure what to think of this, you agree that you have a hatred towards politicians but it isnt THAT far. you decide just to say: "Well, thats definitely interesting." 

You cant tell if your trust with him has gone up or down, he couldve killed you when he came into your room but he decided to not. Hes still a murderer though, you arent sure on how to process this. You decide that you should just go along with it, hes absolutely insane but theres still something a little charming about it. 

He responds to your comment on what he does, "Y-yeah."

Hes getting nervous, you arent sure on what to do so you try to move closer to him but hes moves away, a little disappointed you ask him whats wrong, he just responds with "Im sorry.. i am- am very nervous here." you try to reassure him, saying "Oh, it's completely okay, but if you're nervous why would you come here originally?"

"I wanted to see you more than when I do in the cafe."

Huh, he wanted to see you, that's nice. But why can't he just ask to go on a date with you?? you aren't gonna question it further.

"Oh, Um, thank you? I guess, I don't know. I'm glad you wanted to see me."


after a little awkward silence, he decided to move closer to you and to take of his mask. you turn on the tv and watch whatever cartoon was playing at the moment. Edward awkwardly slides his hand closer to you, and mumbles "does this count as a date?"

you smile a little, he's definitely hasn't been on a date before. you respond with, "yeah, sure it could be a date." you can vaguely see him smile, it's dark in the room.

occasionally you can feel him staring at you, but you find it charming. you don't know why, but almost everything about this boy was perfect, he looks perfect, acted perfect, and you admired him at every chance you got back at the cafe. he seems to of taken a liking to you. which makes you wonder, how long he's had this liking.



"how long have you liked me for?"

"since I saw you inside the cafe, I was walking to my apartment and happened to of looked through the window, I thought you looked amazing."

"Wow, well, um, thank you Eddie."

"No problem."

you can see him smile wider, the TV caused the room to light up a little.

your cat jumped up to the couch, and she decided to sit in Edwards lap. you found this adorable and blurted out "awwwe,,"

you heard Edward giggle for the first time.

you blush a little, everything this boy does you find cute. it's somewhat disturbing.

you soon find out he's wearing gloves, you spotted them as he was petting your cat, and like the totally smart person you are you ask him to look at his gloves. he accepts and you hold his hands while looking at them for a minute, and then lay his hands back down on the couch. your cat moves over to you but Edward was still petting her, you decide that since she sat in your lap you would move closer to Edward so he can reach her.

Adventure Time started playing on the TV, it was your favorite show when you were younger.

After a little while Edward starts warming up to the touch of you, he's letting you lean on him and your cat is in the middle of you both.

You accidentally fall asleep, it was late anyways, and he decides not to wake you up. he stays there for a moment and then starts rubbing your arm.

the action wakes you up and he apologizes, but you're fine with it.

he starts relaxing more on the couch and then randomly decided to get up.

"where are you going?" you ask.

"oh, I'll be back in a minute. the couch is becoming uncomfortable, I'm sorry."

"it's okay, we can go on the bed?"

"that's fine."

you get up, bringing your cat to the bed and wait for him to come back.

he's changed his clothes into a normal t-shirt and shorts. he lays down on the bed and you get on top of him, the cat is next to both of you, on a different pillow. you're laying like how a beaver would lay with it's baby while on water.

you grab onto his shoulders, not hard, it's more like you placed your hands on his shoulders. and he places his arms on your lower back area. he lets out a relaxed sigh and turns his head to face the window.

he mumbles, "why are you so comfortable with me already?"

you respond with, "I don't know. you've brought me lots of comfort, even after knowing of the killings, you're really soemthng special."

he looks at you and purely just smiles at you, you smile back and lay your head on his chest again.

end of chapter? WOOO!!! idk if I'll make a chapter 5 or not I'm not the best at this fanfiction thing

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