<?> chapter three <?>

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- felt I should've added this way before, but this is my first fanfiction and its kind of sucky, so if you're actually reading it I'm surprised -

Back at your counter, you're a bit too nervous to talk to him more, as it was very sudden.

You have been questioning on if you have a crush on this guy for weeks. There's always something about him when he comes into the cafe, he always makes your day slightly better even without saying anything.

Your co-worker informs you that its your break time, going into the back room you pull out your phone and decide to text one of your friends.


how do i tell if i have a crush on someone


You Get Excited Just Thinking About Them. ...You Do Things To Get Their Attention. ...You Notice Little Details About Them. ...You Become Easily Flustered Around Them. ...You Try To Avoid Them. ...You Can Imagine Yourself Getting Intimate With Them. ...You Literally Get Butterflies.

thats what google says


You put down your phone and decide to get up and get a glass of water. as you do this you can see the boy walk out the store. a wave of sadness comes over you.

The water is cold, it helped you think a little more but you still only thought of him. His hazel eyes, his soft hair and hands, it all made you blush a little. Even with all of these feelings on the surface, you still knew something was off about him. You dont know that much, the crush kind of worries you.


Work is over again, and youre going home. You see Edward at a bus stop you average going to, but avoid him and decide just to go home. Today you had no problem with going home or the door opening, how odd.

You open the door to see your light gray cat meowing at your legs. You look outside your window, and look at the beautiful sky and the clouds. The sky reminds you a lot of Edward, sometimes when looking outside you cringe at yourself thinking of him.

The sky looks soft and it's important to you. A lot like Edward.

You sit on the couch and turn on the TV flipping through channels to finally land on the news. You're informed that the mayor and some others have died. You aren't really phased as you expected it to happen eventually.

Turning off the TV, you yawn and decide it's time to go to bed, you have work tomorrow anyways.

As you're taking off your shirt before you get in bed, you hear a creaking in another room. You suspect it's only your cat, but you aren't sure. But, it couldn't of been (pets name) you think to yourself. The creaking almost like footsteps. they were heavy, almost of a persons, but it couldn't have been. You locked the door, and the windows, you're a anxious person so it couldn't of been a man!

You were wrong, but you didn't know it yet.

Getting in bed, you gave up thinking about what it could be. you don't think it's anything, the creaking stopped anyways.

Not long after laying down, you feel something grabbing onto your arms, it hurts and you aren't sure what to do. You try kicking the thing but instead of successfully kicking him he gets on top of you, holding you down.

You're breathing heavy from being shocked and not knowing what to say, he obviously doesn't want to hurt you, he's a tall man in dark green, his clothes have an unpleasant texture to them.

" .. Who a-are you"

The man sure isn't one to talk, that sure reminds you of someone. but you shouldn't be thinking of him now, there's a stranger on top of you trying to hold you down.

you start squirming around trying to get up, but there's no use. this man is oddly heavy and won't move. he starts breathing harder and harder until blurting out "Edward."

"What about Edward?"

"I... am .. Edward."

Now at this point you're in pure shock, he may be quiet but he doesn't seem like the type to just break into your apartment and casually tell you he's the man at the cafe.

You start squirming even more now, he's struggling to hold you down and instead of just keeping you in that position he puts you in his arms, like a hug but only to keep you from squirming.

"Please.. stop.. moving."

He says in a sad tone, honestly everything in you wants to stop but he's a stranger you met at a cafe and he broke into your home. Even knowing all of that you eventually gave in and stopped moving.

"Thank you."

You're breathing heavier, he loses his grip on you and lets you back onto the bed.

"why are you here??"

"I don't talk to people any way else, my mask gives me confidence. it doesn't let me think about what may be under it."

"Wow, okay. I think you're fine under the mask and this was kind of creepy but here we are."

"Oh, I am sorry, (name)."

"I-its fine I guess, I don't know why I'm trusting you right now, you just broke into my apartment and I don't even know how."

he puts his hand on your shoulder, you guess he just realized you were shirtless and says "Oh, I didn't know you slept like that." You could tell he was starting to get nervous, and you didn't know much of what to say other than "Y-yea.. sorry." he only responds with "It's ok."

He gets up and walks a few inches away from the bed, and reaches his hand out to help you out of bed, you accept the hand and start walking with him to your living room.

"since you're here I think we should talk about the things you do for a living, because what I'm getting is that it's definitely interesting."


- chapter four will be posted soon I am just terrible at writing -

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