<?> chapter two <?>

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You wake up, it's the same as a normal day. You get dressed and brush your teeth, blah blah blah, go to work, and work. 6 hours a day.

It may be a normal day but you're hoping to see Edward. Your manager has decided to add a radio in the cafe, Panic by The Smiths was playing while you heard a ding. Out of excitement you start tapping on the counter, hoping it was Edward.

it was the familiar boy. Instead of his normal just sitting down and waiting for his order he decided to come up to the counter and talk.


"Hello, Edward. How are you?"

"I'm good."

"That's fun."

"Uh I noticed last night I've never gotten your name. Sorry"

"That's fine! My name is (name)"

"That's a good name."

"Thank you, Eddie."

His eyes slightly widen at the nickname. since it became awkward from him not responding you decided to go on and say

"So, same order as usual?"


He goes to the other side of the counter and sits. You started to become giddy from the interaction, just as your co worker comes in.

"ha, who's he?"

"Edward. he's a reoccurring customer."


You sigh, your co worker goes almost instantly back to cleaning the dishes while your other coworker hands you Edwards order.

You walk over to Edward and decide to ask him something you've been wondering for a while.

"Hey, Eddie, do you have a girlfriend?"

"No. I'm not that into women anyways."

"Oh, me neither."

Honestly atp you're resisting the urge to celebrate.

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