Sleep Tight Bitch

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It was Friday. I planned out the sleepover perfectly. Rihanna brought the snacks, and Beyoncé brought the drinks. I put ribbons everywhere and balloons. Everything was perfect and planned. I hope they brought good food. If Beyoncé brought vodka then bingo! All I had to do now was wash the dishes. I walked to the sink. It was so dirty ew. I started with cups then plates. I look out the window. It was dark, probably 9 p.m. Suddenly I saw a figure walked by. Onika? How?! She's dead. The figure got closer. Suddenly her face appeared. There were two girls. What is happening? The lights went out. I was shocked. I heard a knock at the door. Oh my god. I slowly opened the door.

"Boo!" said Beyonce.

I screamed. The lights went back on.

"Haha. Don't be scared it's just us." said Rihanna.

"We brought everything we needed." said Beyonce.

"Put it on the table." I said.

"Alright so what movie do you guys want to watch?" I asked.

"Let's watch a scary movie." said Rihanna.

"You know, the movie Deadly just came out on DVD." said Beyonce.

"I have it." I said.

I put in the disc and the movie started. We all sat on the couch eating snacks and drinking. I brought a bottle of vodka. Rihanna and Beyonce already had like 4 cups. The movie was pretty much about some girl who goes into a house, gets trapped, and dies painfully. Her soul gets token away and a ghost lives in the house. The movie was almost over. I walked back to the sink to see if the two figures were still there. They were gone. I started to worry. Damn. I should have burned that bitch and then burn her ashes. I went outside. Beyonce and Rihanna were so drunk they passed out. Good. I walked into the woods. It was dark. Probably 1 in the morning. I heard a snap. Oops my feet. Damn it! I walked deep into the woods. I finally saw the dirt where Onika was in. I dug and dug and dug. Finally I saw something. It was her dead and crusty. Good. She's not alive. Haha bitch. I slap her. I put all the dirt back into the hole and make it look like nothing happened.

"What are you doing here?" someone said.

I look turn slowly. Scared to see who was there.

"You shouldn't be here." I said.

"What were you doing?" said my helper again.

"I thought I saw her again so i needed to check on her." I said.

"Be careful. If anyone finds out-" said my helper.

"No one will. Now go." I said.

I looked at the dirt. Everything is perfect. I walked back to the house. It was thundering. I shut the door behind me.

"Hello bitch. I'm back." said a voice.

No. It couldn't be. I didn't want to turn. I turned around. It was Onika.

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