Chapter VI: Unexpected Visit

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1347, Canterbury, England
I rushed to the door, expecting to see a carriage here to pick me up but instead I see nothing. "Down here mister." I looked down and saw a little girl about 7 standing in my doorway. " My family is sick and They need your help."
I did a double take, there was a little girl seeking me out for help. If I left I would probably miss the carriage but I am a doctor I am sworn by the Hippocratic Oath, I must help this girl.

This way Mister Doctor." The small girl was dragging me through the streets of Canterbury. " Um do you have a name." I stammered as I was being dragged. "Um do you have a name." She retorted. " My names Warin" I said." Sibyl." She responded. " That's a pretty name." I said trying to get this child on my side. "No it's not and neither is Warin." Ok this is gonna be tough.

After a while of being drug in silence we reached a small dilapidated cottage in the middle of the slums. "This is it" she exclaimed as she pushed open the rotten board they had as a door. The place stank and mold covered the floors but it still had some sort of homey feeling. "Mommy I'm home." Sibyl called into the only other room of this house. We entered the other room to fit a room full of various piles of rags and cloth in what can barely can be called a bed.

I looked around the room not seeing a sign of life anywhere. Until I saw one of the rag piles moving, I jumped and yelped. "Mommy!" Sibyl yelled and brushed the rags away to reveal a woman... not just any woman but the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. "My sweetest Sibyl..Thank you." As she said those words she went unconscious.

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