6. Death to Assumption

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Hell is... strange.

It's nothing like I ever imagined it could be. There's no tortured screams or burning fire. Well, sometimes there are; screams in the Pit aren't audible in Infernum, but I know they're there, and there's only fire when Diablos feels like it. The scent takes some getting used to, but it's everywhere so it's not long before I just don't smell it anymore.

Nothing feels new about being a cambion. There wasn't a big moment of realization that I'm different now. I don't feel more powerful, but I've noticed that I'm stronger than I was, and my eyes catch more detail than I ever noticed before. It's a learning process, but it's a fun one.

Being in Infernum is like moving to a new city. A new city where a lot of people know a lot of people. Diablos explained earlier that the lilim, of course, knew almost everyone, having been raised in Hell, but all the cambions have to learn everyone, lilim and cambion. It's... a lot to take in. The residential district separates lilim and cambion though, so it's not hard to find people who understand exactly what I'm going through.

Infernum itself is incredible. There is a form of day and night, where the sky is brighter or darker, but the city is always active, even more so than any place on Earth. The lights are brightly colourful, and the shiny walls of black stone hazily reflect that light. The sky itself is always grey with ashy clouds and light coming from somewhere impossible, but it fits the realm; clear blue skies would seem out of place here.

I walk down one of the many streets in the shopping district, just exploring the wide variety of shops and vendors. It's so much like any other city that it's easy to forget I'm not on Earth. The stores of daggers usually remind me, and any of the lilim choosing to show their demon face are good reminders too.

"Madeline!" I turn around in surprise to see Zelios appearing from the crowd, his long platinum hair up in a high ponytail and a sly smile on his lips. "Out exploring?"

"Yeah, uh... Yeah, I am." I blink at the demon, stunned to see him again. "And you?"

"I'm usually one of the ones who helps new cambions settle," Zelios explains, yellow eyes twinkling with jocularity. "It's been almost two weeks, I assumed you'd be well-settled and any shock would be worn off by now, so I'd show all the essentials."


"Yes, darling." Zelios loops his arm with mine and leads me down the street in long strides. "You can decorate your suite with a personal touch, upgrade the basic wardrobe you've been given, spoil yourself with the best foods, all of the delights. First though, we should get you a phone. Best way to stay connected, after all."

"But what about money?" I ask, my eyes wide as I try to plan out what I want to do.

The demon gives me a sly wink. "No money here, Madeline. We're one of the biggest families in existence, and there's no real use of currency in Infernum. All the shop owners are in it for the craft, it keeps us from being bored otherwise. Just give them a challenge and they're happy."

I blink at that, taking a second to think before asking, "Is it like this in Heaven too?"

"The Silver City?" Zelios scoffs. "That place lets souls run all over. Their paradise is letting souls do whatever they want, while the angels mind their own business sitting on clouds, for the most part. All those pigeons are good little soldiers, eager to please their father."


"Yep. We call him Elohim here. It's Hebrew, the name humans usually use for the tyrant."

I can't help the wince that crosses my expression. "Does he know everything that happens? Omniscience, or something?"

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