Chapter 12 (What Luke Was Doing)

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Luke invalitarly let out a scream as the first FFBs descended on him. Then he got to work ferociously fighting the drones off. But they just kept coming. Wave after wave of them.

Forever loyal Buster was at his left side. Chopping the deadly machines with his gleaming white puppy teeth.

And quick Kevo was leaving a wake of destruction as he jumped from bot to bot, using claws and tiny but mighty teeth to tear them apart.

He could not afford to be distracted anymore! Luke forced himself to focus solely on the machines. But the damage was already done.

A different robot knocked him to the ground and the rest swarmed toward him like flies to a carces. "Help!!" He desperately yelled.

He swatted one away with his clawed paw, spending it spinning into another. But while the machines were easy enough to destroy, there were just too many of them. The robots would overwhelm him with sheer numbers. And laying on the ground, he was a sitting duck.

"It can't end like this!!" He thought, wildly. "I have to do something! Kevo, Buster and Ivy are counting on me!! And I'm too young to die!"

The Flying Fighter Bot's little red lights, glinted like evil eyes. Intent on following their programing.

To destroy. To injure... To kill.

Abruptly the FFBs started soaring around crazily, while crashing into each other and making a terrible winning sound.

And then just as suddenly as it had started the robots smashed into the cold mental floor, making a cocoffinay of noise and as they exploded.

Luke instinctively put his hands over his head and curled up into a ball. He was not a moment too soon. Shards and pieces of twisted FFBs parts rained down around him. A few pentidated his skin, while the explosions burned his body, already beat up body.

Once it stopped all Luke wanted to do was give into the pain and embrace the darkness that was leaking at the edge of his consciousness. "No! You have to stay awake!" He told himself. "You need to check on the others!"

But everything was tuning fuzzy, and losing its shape. The sharp edges of reality were blurring as he drifted closer and closer to welcome healing sleep. He heard a voice shouting angrily, it was fimlar, but muffled, like Luke was under water.

Then he heard a cry of pain! He recognized Ivy's voice! "She's hurt." He mumbled to himself. "I. Need. To. Go. Help." He grunting after each word, as he tried to get up.

"Maybe after I sleep for five minutes." He thought.

"No!" He said aloud.

"Just a little moment of rest won't hurt. It will help." His selfish side argued.

Suddenly Beowulf spok. "A wolf would never abandon his pack." He said in his deep throaty growl. "A wolf would rather die than willing do nothing to help his family. And friends are the family you choose."

This decided it for Luke. He beat back the darkness with a strength he didn't know he possessed. He slowly stood, like a phoenix rising from the ashes.

"Now I just need to find Ivy, Kevo and Buster." He wiped blood and raven black hair out of his eyes. And abruptly he noticed that he was human again.

"That doesn't matter right now." He chied himself, as he continued looking for his friends.

He found Kevo and Buster right away. His dad was pointing a... ray gun at them? He shook his head. His father had always had a thing for theatactric.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2022 ⏰

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