Part 1: An Inventor Put Into Deep Sleep

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I woke up to Miu holding on as tight as possible onto me! I tried to get out of her hold but her grip was too strong. I guess I gotta wait for her to wake up. I laid in bed until I heard someone ring the doorbell. Must be Shuic- I heard Tenko's voice? "Kaede can you let me in? I need to talk with you!" "Come in Tenko!" I yelled, surprisingly Miu stayed asleep. Tenko opened the door and came in. "Wha!? Why is Miu here? Plus she's cuddling with you! Are you guys dat-" "Yes. We are dating Tenko." She blushed a lot, then looked sad. "That's kinda why I wanted to talk. I can't get to Himiko right now! Been trying to get to her for a while, but she's been hanging out with Angie a lot, it's like she's avoiding me. I don't know what to do. I came to you for help because you're always encouraging everyone! So maybe you can help me!" Despite how she felt she still kept up a positive attitude. "Well Tenko maybe she just wants space from you, if you really are friends with her you can trust her to talk to you right? So maybe just wait it out, she'll eventually talk to you, no need to worry Tenko." She looked surprised, "Thank you Kaede! I'll trust in what you've said! You're a great friend!" She looked cheery after what I said, seems like I've helped her a lot. She ran out the room with a new point of view. I was going to fall asleep in Miu's arms until Shuichi came in and closed the door quickly, "Hey Kaede I need some time away from Kokichi can I stay here for a bit? I nodded my head. "Thanks Kaede. Really appreciate this from you. I see you're stuck between Miu's arms." I nodded again. Her grip got tighter, she said "Don't touch my Kaede." In her sleep. I felt my face get hot, "This is why I don't let Kokichi in my room." "Well Miu isn't a jerk so I can't relate." Shuichi stared at me looking puzzled. My doorbell rang again, "Shoot!" Shuichi hid beneath my bed. "Kaedeeee! Kaedeeee!" It was clearly Kokichi's voice. "What do you want Kokichi?" "Is Shumai in here?" I didn't respond. He burst into the room, "Wow you and the slut even sleep together. You've really went l-" Miu interrupted him with another comment in her sleep "Shutup ya little shit." Kokichi ignored it. "Well is Shuichi in here?" I shook my head, he looked in my closet, then he was going to look under the bed, "Don't bother he isn't here." I said, trying to protect Shuichi. "A liar can tell when someone's lying Kaede!" He looked under the bed and said "Peek a boo!" He surprisingly dragged Shuichi out from under my bed, "Thanks Kaede!" He said before leaving my room. Finally, everyone left. I closed my eyes and I felt the grip loosen.

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