A Loving Inventor's Rhythmic Process

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Miu and I got on the bed and she immediately hugged me tightly. She started kissing me over and over again, "Where's this coming from Miu?" "I fuckin' love ya Kaede I love ya so fuckin' much!" I blushed again, "I love you a lot too Miu." Her grip got even tighter! "But why did you bring me here Miu? We could've just done this in my lab." She started making out with me, "Somone coulda broken into your lab stupid." "Do you not want anyone to see us?" She paused for a bit, "Well I just don't want anyone to see us like this." She started kissed me all over my face again. "M-Miu! I can't handle all this I'll get too hot!" "You already are too hot sugar tits." I hid my face into my pillow as soon as she said that. She picked it up as soon as I did and kissed me again and hopped on top of me. "Somethin' the matter Kaede? You're heatin' up, need somethin to relieve ya?" "M-Miu! Not yet!" "How about a massage then sugar tits, just to make ya a little less tense." Miu started rubbing by shoulders and pressing on my muscles. She turned me onto my stomach and kept pressing on each of my muscles. "That releavin' the stress you got Kaede?" I nodded my head at her, she really had the delicate touch of a mechanist. "Let's go to my lab Kaede, I wanna repay ya for teachin' me how to play piano." She tossed me over her shoulder and marched to her lab. "Imma show you my process of inventin' somethin, Kokichi told me to make a hammer with the abilities of an EMP. But that ain't simple so I don't know what that little shit was thinkin'. The real issue is avoiding makin' power go out throughout the academy while makin' this shit." She toyed around with a hot pink grenade with the bear on her pin on it. She put on her goggles and started to write things down. "Put these on Kaede." she gave me a pair of headphones and sunglasses as she put on a pair of headphones aswell. She put wiring inside a hammer it seems like she designed by herself, based in the look of it. She put some kind of cylinder into it and quickly closed the casing of the hammer. "Hey Laede can you head to the warehouse and get a black safe for me?" I don't know what she meant but I said "Will do Miu." I went to the warehouse and started looking until I found a gun storing safe matching Miu's description, I just don't know how I'll carry this. I'm pretty sure Gonta is busy, but Tenko might be able to do this. I went to her room and rang the doorbell. "Coming!" She came out super fast, "Oh it's you Kaede! How can I help you today!" "Can you carry something for me?" She nodded her head and I lead her to the warehouse and the black safe. "Looks heavy, you'll need to help me Kaede." "Alright then." She hoisted the bottom and I grabbed the top, we walked out the warehouse and I lead her to Miu's lab. "What would Miu need this for? Seems a bit unnecessary." "Well she's inventing something for Kokich-" "Why would she do something for a degenerate male!? I need to make sure we're not doing anything bad!" We're? How did she manage to bring herself into this already? We went into her lab, "Why'd you bring Tencrotch into here?" "Hey! Why are you insulting me out of nowhere!" I thought she would adapt to how Miu acts by now. "Doesn't matter I'm fuckin' done with this shit." She grabbed the hammer she was making, "Put your fuckin' monopads into the safe. I wanna make sure this doesn't release a pulse and not break your monopads." We followed what the said and she hit the huge buzz saw in her lab with the hammer and tried to turn it on. She turned the chainsaw on and it worked. "It fuckin' worked! I FUCKIN' RULE!!" Tenko and I cheered for her success, then we all took out monopads outside of the safe. We both watched Miu replicate the hammer a few more times, while watching Tenko and I started up some small conversation. "So why'd you choose Miu Kaede? Seems odd based on how both of you act." "Miu's a peach on the inside, just gotta bite into her first." Tenko stayed silent for a bit, she looked upset. "What's wrong Tenko?" "Oh, it's nothing! I'm just thinking a bit." I gave her the look that I give Miu to make her spit something out. Even with that Tenko didn't want to spit anything out. I hugged her, "It's okay if you don't want to say anything right now, we can talk later." Tenko nodded her head. I walked up to Miu and it seemed while we were talking she finished 2 more hammers. "I'm fuckin' beat. Let's head to sleep Kaede." I looked at Tenko, "Can Tenko stay in our room too?" Tenko looked surprised. "What!?" Tenko said, Miu rolled her eyes but then it seemed she thought about something. "Yeah, she can, but she's gotta sleep on the fuckin' floor." Tenko and I chuckled, then we all walked to the warehouse and got Tenko a sleeping bag. We walked to my room and Miu and I layed in my bed, while Tenko laid on the floor in her sleeping bag. I hugged Miu and started petting her hair, "Goodnight Miu, and goodnight Tenko." It seemed Tenko already dozed off to sleep. "Goodnight Sugar tits." Miu went to sleep aswell, I was alone for a bit, I let Miu go for a little, then pressed on the miniature Miu made, knowing Miu put such care into something for me helped me go to sleep. I said goodnight to myself and both of the girls in my room, closing another day with Miu once more.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2022 ⏰

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