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Past Lance's POV (Point of Vision)

    "GET OFF OF ME" I hear my sister scream as we are being dragged away from each other, I can see her attempting to attack the guards using our training, but our training was nothing compared to how they fought. 

    "SIS-" I screamed trying to get out of the guards grasp but I was cut off by a shock, that shock causing me to pass out.


    I can feel my body jolt awake, my skin feels tingly, I can feel goosebumps forming, after realizing it was a dream, I attempt to figure out what it was and what it meant but before I could get a grasp about what the hell my dream was about and if it was true my head started pounding, it felt like the one time I got hit in the head with a metal part from a damaged ship the flying bots were carrying, still kind of pissed off about that.

     'I only got an hour of sleep... damn it, these dumb fucking dreams keep returning, maybe I should tell sir Lotor or Emperor Zarkon about them...' my thoughts start to wander about the dreams after I looked at my clock, my headache starts to die down, I realize this and take it to my advantage to go training, something to take my mind off things and tire me out, hopefully.

    As I make my way down the halls of the main Garla ship my mind can't help but wonder about my dream, before I know it, I'm not going towards the training grounds anymore but instead the direction towards Emperor Zarkon's throne room.

    "State your business, Atiyama" the two guards standing guard at the tall metal doors state coldly in unison.

Quick A/N the Galra gave Lance the new name of Atiyama, also the way I will be using the saying "Vrepit Sa" will also be used as a goodbye and a greeting, so not only for 'good luck' type thing.

    "May I request a word with Emperor Zarkon" I say more in a demanding tone than a questioning one, one of the guard types something on his keypad attached to the arm of his armor, it was a new way of communicating, still needs work so not everyone has it.

    About a minute goes by and the doors start to open, once they are fully open, I start to walk inside, I stop halfway down the walk "Vrepit Sa" I speak to my Emperor as I get down on one knee with my fist at my heart while bowing my head down.

    "Vrepit Sa, Atiyama" Emperor Zarkon speaks coldly, as always "you may stand before telling me what you needed to speak to me about" Emperor Zarkon states cold, yet calmer than most times.

    I stand before saying "my up-most apologies for disturbing you Emperor, but I have been having some... interesting... dreams, they are mostly about this female and a child, they are the same most nights and they cause me to only have about an hour of sleep each night, they also always take place in a Galra ship, I am concerned the lack of sleep will cause my performance to falter and I will severely mess up one of our missions" saying it out loud made me feel quite... stupid and childish, but I am worried that due to my lack of sleep I may cause us to fail a mission.

   " a Galra ship specifically... wait here for commander Dugan, once he is here, he will take you to a room, once you are there you will do as he says" Emperor Zarkon speaks as the guard on his left types something on their keypad attached to the arm of their armor.

    "Yes Emperor, thank you Emperor" I thank Emperor Zarkon, not two minutes goes by and the Galren named Dugan walks through the doors and greets the Emperor, after that I find, myself being led to a room, there I was injected with different substances before I blacked out.

1 hour later

Dugan's Pov

    "Did it work" Emperor Zarkon speaks.

    "It knocked him out, if the substances aren't out of date... he shouldn't Rember anything about those memories, I do not know how he is starting to remember again, maybe another day in 'The Room' will fix him up" I speak up to my Emperor, Atiyama was a good addition as he is a good fighter seeing as he was young when his Galren training started but compared to other Galrens he is exceptionally well at fighting, but... I don't know how long it is until he finds out his life has been a lie and starts to fight back.

word count: 792


sorry if it's short, i didn't really know how to start this story off, anyway thank you for reading and thanks to the person who added this to their library collection, i will not be naming them for privacy but i wanted to say thank you, it made me happy to see that someone was interested in this fanfic! have an amazing day/night!

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