Initiating the Plan

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Matt's POV (point of view)

"Alright guys I got the sample!" I hear Pidge call out in the intercom.

"Alright everyone let's head back to the castle" Shiro speaks through the intercom, I start to- well, I try to fly Blue back to the castle, but she won't budge. Instead, Blue turns her head towards a meteor and starts flying towards it.

"Hey guys! Blue isn't responding to me, and she is flying towards a rock!" I inform my fellow team members through the intercom.

"Hold on a tick!" I hear Coran say back, "it seems as though there is something behind it! If Blue is going towards it, then I say trust her! But be alert!" Coran informs us through the intercom.

"Alright, I trust her" I respond as Blue continues to fly near the meteor, suddenly everyone hears something- or someone in the intercom.

Lotor's POV

"Hello Paladins of Voltron, this is Lotor, former member of the Galren empire. We have yet to meet in person, I have left the Galren empire to join the correct side of this war, to most of the Galrens of the Galra empire it is obvious team Voltron will win with the progress you have all made so far, but with our inside information it will lead Voltron into victory at a faster rate" I say with confidence in my voice, I knew Voltron would be here, we have been following them and waiting for the right time.

When I finished my last sentence, the Blue lion appeared from behind the meteor we were speaking behind.

"Paladins get away from him! They most likely have an entire fleet ready to attack! Get back to the castle, quick!" I hear Allura yell out to team Voltron through their intercom.

"Wait! Please, we are here for peace, not for blood to be shed. The Galren empire is busy fighting another kingdom, they will not notice mine or my generals' disappearances for quintants. And if we oppose as a threat, you and your team could destroy us in ticks. We only wish for you to hear us out, and we hear you out, a meeting if you will" I quickly speak out, not wanting them to leave or to immediately fire at us, I know we could outfly them if we needed, maybe not the red lion but the others would be easy to outfly, I also know an escape route if we needed one.

"... look this might seem like a crazy idea... But I am your leader, except for you Allura but I think we should hear them out. They did say, 'inside information' and I believe we could use some of that around now" I hear the Black lion's new paladin speak, Shiro I think his name was.

"I believe we should as well princess!" I hear... Coran speak, as I believe that is the mustache man's name.

"First, yes that IS a stupid idea Shiro, why would you all even-.... I-... fine Coran... everyone come back to the castle, keep an eye on Lotor" I hear Allura speak, I can hear the anger in her voice as she basically just spits my name out.

Once everyone was in the castle, I found myself having a knife held to my throat. Alda punched them in the gut and Atiyama threw them on the ground, pinning them down.

"Alda, Atiyama, back off" I speak to them, I must remain calm for this plan to work, and if that means being put into a cell for a couple Vargas or more then it will be worth it. Both Alda and Atiyama back off and step behind me, still on either side of me.

When the rest of the paladins exit their lions, they step in front of my generals and me.

"Hello team Voltron, it is a pleasure to meet you all in person. I am pleased to say that you have allowed us to have an in-person meeting. As you know I said we had inside information, and that we wanted to join the "correct" side of the war. My father, Emperor Zarkon has been leading for decades, destroying anything or anyone in his way, I believe you are the only hope this universe has left, and with us being alias we can make this process a little... quicker" I speak, waiting for one of them to respond.

"How the hell do we know you aren't lying?! How do we know you aren't planning an attack; may I remind you that you are the SON of the man that killed most of the Alteans in the universe, I believe you WILL follow in your father's footsteps! The Galren empire has done so much harm and you expect us to trust you?!" Allura speaks- well, more like yelled. Again, I could not blame her, it was true that Emperor Zarkon along with the Galra empire had done those things, I had also taken part in taking over planets.

"Again, princess we have information, we have fighting skills, we can help with missions or research.... Well, hello Holts" I say the last part when I see two figures that look exactly like the ones from a picture we had taken from a prisoner we had captured. The prisoner had told us their names and his name, the taller and more masculine looking one was Matt Holt, the younger and smaller looking one was Katie Holt, but I heard they call them Pidge now.

" do you know our last names" I hear Pidge speak up, beside them I see Matt shift uncomfortably.

"I have information on how to get your father, now before you put a gun to my head, I am willing to tell you everything I know about how to get your father, that and how to destroy or take over Galren fighters and or Galren bases" I say while looking down at the small Holt.

"...alright, you will tell me everything you know about the Galra empire... along with the information you have on Samuel Holt. Come with me" I hear Allura speak, catching our attention. She must have guessed the young paladin Pidge would have done or said something that only a leader should command.

"Yes, Princess" I spoke as I started to follow behind her.

My generals stay behind with the red, blue and yellow paladin keeping watch on them while Alda along with Atiyama following me with Shiro and Coran standing behind us, most likely to get the jump on us in case we decide to attack.

"Alright here we are" Allura says as we walk into a room, a meeting room I presume. Once we all sit down- Alda and Atiyama still standing- Allura speaks up.

"Now, talk"

word count: 1133

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