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Belle: Who is the most freaky villain?

Hook: Hmmm... What about all of them?

Snow: Haha yessss

Elsa: I think Emma and I make a freaky pair!

Emma: Yes we do *caresses skull*

Charming: SKULL? You used to caress puppies!

Emma: The past is in the past!❄️

Elsa: PLEASE stop referencing my songs... I get annoyed by them!!

Ana: We all do, especially me! You sing them all of the time...😡

Elsa: Well, u sing your songs all of the time!

Ana and Elsa: *catfight*

Regina: I think they'd both make quite a villain pair! (They'd sing about it too much.)

Emma: Lolz

Gold: I'm quite offended none of you have said that you think I'm the worst villain!

Belle: We all hate you and think you should die, but alas, the word for you is traitor!

Regina: I made an amazing villain!

Emma: And then Henry made you good😉

Henry: Honestly, I don't know who freaks me out more now! Regina or Emma!

Charming: Geez dude, I'm sorry! They'd both make creepy mothers! *pats Henry on back*

Emma: *caresses more skulls*

Regina: *blows up Storybrooke*

Snow: Wait, what!?

Henry: *facepalm*

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