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Belle: What emoji describes you?

Henry: 📘 I LOVE BOOKS! (Especially story books)

Red: This kid needs a girlfriend or a good mom to teach him how to be cool.

Emma: *gives Red the evil eye*

Hook:💘 Because the ladies love me.

Red: I know! Hook should teach Henry how to be cool!

Regina: Hook. Stay away from my son you creep!

Gold:🔮 because I am the master of magic! (P.s. It comes with a price)

Elsa: ❄️ because the cold never bothered me anyways.

Henry: ❄️LET IT GO!🎼

Emma: 🎼Let it go!🎤

Henry: ❄️Can't hold it back anymore!❄️

Belle: What. Are. You. Doing?

Red: Idiots.

Robin Hood: Ok. Neither of them is sane.

Emma: Eh. We forgot that you guys don't know what a movie is! Henry and I are the only ones kept up on civilization.

Hook: I am offended!

Henry: LET IT GO!

Snow: Here we go again...

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