Tae Young Biography

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* Full name: Tae Young Grayson Kim

* Born: July 4, 1983

18(Before book 1, Chapter 11)
19 (After Book 1, Chapter 11)

* Born in South Korea

* Moved to Calgary when he was 2

*Moved to Toronto when he was 12

* Loves Animals

* Grew up with very strict parents(was verbally & physically abused by his father on numerous occasions)

* Had Straight A's throughout school(His parents expected perfection)

*Tae wasn't really a school person

* Didn't have any friends growing up(Parents kept him focused on studies than socializing with others, his only friends were animals)

*Was quiet most of the time

* Met Jesse outside of their math class.(Jesse was in 11th grade, Tae was part of a high school math program out of the recommendations by his parents.)

* Jesse and Tae became friends

*His parents found out that he was hanging out with Jesse

* His father banned Tae from seeing Jesse, Tae refused.

* His father slapped him down to the ground, and called him "The biggest disappointment to ever exist."

*Noticed when Tae was being abused by his father, verbally & physically

*Got Tae out the house and Tae lived with Jesse and his family

*Jesse introduced Jesse to Robaire and the two Aaron's

*Watched them practice one time, they heard him sing and thought he was talented.

*Tae joined 4*Town in early 1997

* He is Pansexual, but prefers guys

* Dating Robaire

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