Robaire & Tae Young Couple HCs

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⭐️ Robaire is Tae Young's first real boyfriend.

⭐️ The same definitely can't be said for Robaire.

⭐️ Robaire is the dominant one in the relationship.

⭐️ Robaire's name for Tae Young is "Angel" and only Robaire is allowed to call him that.

⭐️ Tae's name for Robaire is "Robby." Robaire only lets Tae Young call him that.

⭐️ Robaire absolutely spoils Tae Young. He would get him anything he wanted no matter how much it costs.

⭐️ Robaire enjoys being in the spotlight, with that being said, he loves showing Tae off everyone.

⭐️ Tae Young loves when Robaire speaks French to him even though he can never understand what he's saying. Robaire finds it adorable that Tae doesn't understand him.

⭐️ Robaire loves PDA. He would kiss Tae's cheek & hand just to make him blush.

⭐️ They hardly fight. Robaire is very understanding.

⭐️ Robaire loves how Tae Young is so close with animals. Tae tries to help Robaire do the same but he's not the biggest animal person.

⭐️ Tae Young is an over thinker. With so many fangirls and fanboys that Robaire has, he worries that Robaire will leave him and forget all about him. Robaire reassures him that this will never happen.

⭐️ Robaire is not the jealous type. However, when he finds a few guys checking Tae out, he's not afraid go up and shut them down.

⭐️ Robaire has no problem with Tae being close to Jesse but he does get annoyed by how overprotective he is.

⭐️ Robaire & Tae Young are both huge fans of fashion. Whenever they go clothes shopping, they try on almost everything and buy almost the store.

⭐️ Robaire loves putting him & Tae in situations where Tae gets scared & buries his face in Robaire chest so that he could comforts him. Robaire finds it a huge confidence booster.

⭐️ Before they started dating, Tae Young would always write his name & Robaire's name next to each other in hearts in his diary and would draw hearts around his Robaire's faces in the magazines. Even though they're now a couple, he still does it.

⭐️ Whenever they do have sex, it'll be nice and slow since Tae is new to it and Robaire won't be into anything else but that. They're not as intense as T & Z are.

⭐️  Robaire loves giving Tae gifts. Even if it's not a special occasion, he loves making him happy.

⭐️ After learning about Tae's parents, he gets why Jesse is the he is and now he wants to everything in his power to protect Tae Young as well.

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