Robaire & Jesse HCs

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⭐️ Out of all the guys, Robaire known Jesse the longest. Same with Jesse.

⭐️ The two met when Robaire was in 9th grade and Jesse was in 10th grade.

⭐️ The two formed 4*Town together. Robaire is of course the leader, and Jesse is the Co-leader.

⭐️ They pretty much see each other as brothers. Robaire sees it Jesse as a brother since he is only child, and Jesse sees Robaire as a younger brother since he only has an older sister and has no younger siblings.

⭐️ Robaire came out as bisexual sometime in 1998. He came out to Jesse first  and then to the rest of the band. They were all supportive. He was not out to his parents at the time.

⭐️ They do argue from time to time but always make up. Both are equally stubborn but they get past that so they can go back to being buddies again.

⭐️ Even though he now gets why Jesse is the way he is with Tae Young, he does sometimes get jealous of their closeness.

⭐️ They do sometimes act as a dynamic duo. Robaire sometimes feel like it's them against everyone else.

⭐️ When they met, they automatically hit it off and pretty became best friends.

⭐️ They often but heads when it comes to Tae Young, but at the end of the day, they both care about him and know the other does too.

⭐️ Even though they have different views and different ways on Tae Young, they will not hesitate to jump who ever upsets Tae Young.

⭐️ They are both Tae Young's #1 protectors. Whoever wants Tae has to get through them first.

⭐️ When they met, they shared a love for music and dance which led to them wanting to start a boyband.

⭐️ When auditioning members for the band, they were looking for only 2 backups. Which is when T & Z came in. That's a story for another time.

⭐️ Even though Jesse has his concerns about Robaire & Tae Young. Considering Robaire's history, at the end of the day, he approves of their relationship and is glad that Tae is with someone he trusts.

⭐️ There are times when Robaire would go to Jesse for advice on Tae Young, because all Robaire wants is to make Tae happy.

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