Day Two.

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Day two: It's now my turn to log, I'm Jake, the groups camera and devices operator. We have been on many investigations, but none that rattled me as much as this place, like Nigel, i try to be rational. I reviewed the footage of the past two nights, the things we seen were definitely not natural. We have heard things that can't be explained, even our semi sceptical colleague Nigel began to feel uneasy, a man that debunks most of the alleged activity we come across. This place was something else. The scratches on the tent, the shadows that even Nigel seen in the daylight that he couldn't debunk. I have a theory about what happened to those girls, but i won't share my thoughts until we conclude the investigation. I have heard the stories about this park. I'll tell you what i have learned. When i was a boy, my father wanted to come here to camp, my mother told my father that we wouldn't be coming here. I asked my mother why? My mother said, "many years ago, your uncle and i had been up there, we only made it to the bend of the park, the bend before the camping area, we heard a visceral scream, your uncle and i ran out of the park as fast as we could, back then there was no park rangers."

I remember how my father was furious calling my mom a scaredy-cat and that what she and her brother heard was the sound of birds. I remember my mom yelling at him, "Frank, you can go. Jake and i will be here safe in our beds." It was then dad realised how frightened my mom was, we went to Florida instead. When i was in high school, i overheard two jocks say they were chased out of Juliet Falls by a scream. I went to the same college as Lindsey and her friends and people often spoke of Juliet Falls, one kid from my anthropology class told me that the land was cursed, he told me a story of when his uncle used to go game hunting up here, that they were chased by a shadow creature, they almost got lost, but they knew the area they were hunting in very well and managed to escape. I asked him what the curse was? He told me that there was a battle on the land many centuries ago, that many people died. The natives that lived on the land cursed it by the invocation of their negative spirits. My colleagues don't know this, i can't share it with them as they must find it out for themselves. It's hard not to tell them, but I've known Jason and Monica a very long time and they've always said, "any information you know about a location, keep it to yourself." We never read the logs of any of the team until an investigation is complete. I was also told about a park ranger going postal up here, but we couldn't find any concrete evidence in regards to this. We found something, but nothing that we would deem as substantial.

We were now ready to go to the rest of the mapped trails, we needed to clear these areas before we embarked onto the unmapped ones. That was something that really put the wind up me. I never get like this. Then i remembered something else, there was a string of murders, suicides and disappearances up here in the late 1800's. I know from my experience with Jason and Monica that they'll pick up on all of this, but they only open their channels sparingly due to having bad experiences in the past. We walked along a trail, for this time of year, the weather is warm, especially at around 10am, this path was ice cold, you could see your own breath, something was following us. We could hear footsteps behind us. It wasn't normal, it really shook me up. I took out my REM-POD, a device that can be touched by spirits near it, causing an alarm to go off. The battery was new, i switched it on and soon it was bleeping. We asked it to touch it and let it go on command and it did it. Jason and Monica seen the same thing, it was the old lady again, but they got more of a view of her, she looked of native heritage, she had some markings on her body, which corroborated some of what i was told. The old lady told Jason to turn back, that there was a spirit that could physically attack us at the end of the path. Jason told Nigel and i to stay where we were for a few moments. They walked to the end of the path, Jason and Monica ran back with sheer terror in their eyes. We asked what did they see? Jason could barely get his words out, he said, "that, that, that, thing wasn't like a shadow anymore, that thing was on hooves, it was around eight feet, it had red eyes." Jason was shaken, Monica was frozen in fear she began walking back up the path as the REM-POD began beeping. It was around us all, i could see a mist all around us. We held an EVP session on the path, we stopped with the questions, then listened to the recording. The voice came through saying, "get off my land." It was the only thing we got, but his voice was scary.

We walked towards another path, we began walking down and Jason told us the old lady was with us again, i soon began to smell fire, there was no smoke, there was no fire. I was the only one to smell this, it's been a very strange thing. Jason believed this old lady was trying to protect us, which made me think about the girls, it made me wonder if the old lady tried to protect them, they fled the area where Jason and Monica seen the being, then they ran into the still unmapped areas. After i had that thought, Jason came to me and said, "I feel that's what happened too." That was strange, Jason has never been able to read my thoughts before. This makes me think this being is inside our heads. Monica told us to make our way to the final path before we go to the unmapped areas. We got there and as we were about enter, Monica yelled, "stop." I looked at her, i asked, "what's wrong, Mon?" She was grey as slate, Jason too, he said, "roll the camera to three o'clock, it's there, it's there." I turned the camera and to my surprise, i finally filmed a creature not of this world. Nigel was sheet white he had to sit down. Nigel finally stood up, holding onto the railing beside him, he had wet himself, Nigel, the stoic and semi sceptical man, i guess after that he wouldn't be a semi sceptic anymore. I couldn't say a thing, none of us could, we backed away and ran to the camping area. That's when Jason and Monica told us we needed to bring some protection on us, this thing wanted us, it needed to feed on us and we needed to keep it away to complete the investigation. We sat in the tent, Jason took out some herbs, he made a tea, we drank the tea, we held hands and we asked our passed loved ones, their spirit guides and our ancestors to watch over us. It would be the first night we wouldn't have slept. We planned to be here for as long as it took, but we were tempted to flee, but we had faith in our asks in that circle holding hands. We did need to stock up on batteries for the recorders, we drove down to the store about five miles from the park and came back to our tent trashed and all our items strewn across the camping ground. We called the park ranger and he said no one is on here but you guys and i.

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