Day Three.

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Day three: a short introduction to me, my name is Nigel Wainwright, I'm a parapsychologist, until this trip i was semi sceptical in the world of spirits. I always tried to look for the rationale in most cases, i agree that I've seen things that i couldn't explain, but most times i could. We came here three days ago, i genuinely thought i wouldn't find anything. In fact i called it a waste of time and resources, but with the things we've came across thus far, i am glad to be here. I've heard things i can't explain, seen a creature that is otherworldly, seen a mist form around me on a very clear and warm day. The coldness that surrounded us and the recordings, my god, the world would think I'm a maniac if i told them. I enrolled in parapsychology to debunk the existence of the supernatural. I was born into a Roman Catholic family and all my parents and family talked about was spirits, they even held seances and visited mediums and suchlike. I never believed a word of it. When the VPRG sprung up, i joined to debunk everything they came across, i even joined other such groups, but none gelled like our group did. I found a lot of these groups faked things. They definitely weren't worth a second more of my time.

On this journey however, I'm no longer a sceptic. I have witnessed with my own eyes, things Jason and Monica only usually see, this is what made me believe all the more. These things are caught on camera and will be shown to other groups if we make it off this park safely? Which i pray we will. I wanted to go to the unmapped area on my own, but i came up against some dismissal of this idea, Monica explicitly stated, "you go alone, you'll die Nigel, you would be doing so on your own free will, but i fear you wouldn't return." Monica had been right about so many things in the past, so i listened to her judgement call on this one. We made some breakfast and decided to walk to the unmapped areas, we packed one hundred feet of rope, we packed sticks of chalk, we packed stickers and other things to mark out our entrance and exit from those areas. As we walked towards that area i had an unexpected call from my wife, she wanted to make sure i was ok, that she felt something bad was about to happen to me. My wife Mary like me was a very rational woman, but she always followed her instincts and her gut, to be honest she was almost always right. I reassured her that we would be ok and I'll be home in a few days. Mary told me to take care of myself and make sure that everyone returns safely. I hung up and we walked to an area that had felled trees, the brush was thick but i had with me a machete, i was able to swipe a path for us with ease. We noted where we were, we marked the spot, we tied some rope to the tree and on the next one and on and we repeated these actions.

We eventually came to a stream, Jason was talking to his spirit guides, they were telling him to be careful of the rocks by the stream as they were extremely slippery. We approached with caution, then Monica began talking to somebody beside her, i couldn't see the person, but I distinctly heard the name Kelly, i knew that was the name of one of the missing girls. Monica was asking her what happened to them, but she kept telling her she will tell her once that thing is gone. Monica then asked her that if she wants help to cross over, that she and Jason could help her. Kelly had stopped communication with Monica and disappeared again. Monica then told us that the thing we encountered was potentially what killed them or at least scared them so much they all accidentally died trying to escape it. I asked Monica what did Kelly say exactly, she told me that she couldn't talk with that thing around. It was then i began to think about a book i read at college on beings like the one we seen, it wasn't a demon, but i realised it began as a minor malevolent being, but as the years went on, it became more malevolent and more stronger. I discussed this with the group and they agreed, since it was a native curse, only a native could reverse it.

Jason began conversing with the native spirit to find out who her tribe was, she said that all her tribe were gone, but if we stay long enough, we would manage to discover a way to reverse it ourselves with her guidance, but we needed some supplies. Jason after hearing this, said, "right guys, we must all head back, we need to find a place that sell these ingredients." We made our way back to the exit. We noticed some of the rope missing from some of the trees, we marked exactly which tree had a rope, sticker and or chalk. It was like this thing was trying to keep us down there. What amazed me, this thing was able to wander around during the day with ease. We made it to the car and it wouldn't start, it seemed the battery had died, we decided to walk to the nearest town and rent a car as i had found a place on the internet that would sell the ingredients we needed. We packed the car with our camping gear, we told the ranger that the car battery had died and he said, "that's a bummer, i got a lift to work this morning otherwise i would've been able to help you." We told him it's fine, we would be back as soon as possible or at least spend the night in a local hotel until we sorted the car out. The ranger said he would get his friend to tow the car to the bottom of the park until we returned. We thanked him and walked off towards the nearest town. The nearest town to sell our supplies and rent a car was around nine miles away, it was quite the trek, we got there by nightfall, everything was closed, we found a hotel and booked in for the night. It was the first time in a couple of days i felt relief. That night i woke up sweating, i knocked on Jason and Monica's door, they couldn't sleep, they too woke up sweating. Jake was fast asleep, but he was tossing and turning and complaining of something burning him. Jason ran and woke him up, Jake was startled by this, he then said, i have a burning sensation on my stomach and back. Jake lifted his top and there was deep scratch marks all down his front and back. We took pictures on his phone and showed him, he fainted and came to a few moments later. We asked Jake did he want to end the investigation here, he was adamant that he wouldn't let this thing terrorise him. I was shocked as he was in my room the entire time and there was no way he had the chance to do this to himself and it was the first time we had ever encountered that on an investigation in any location. We tended to his scratches, then tried our best to sleep. Jason and Monica knew then that Jake now had an attachment to him. We woke early in the morning and went to the store to collect the ingredients the native spirit told us to get. We took a taxi back to the park, our car wasn't at the bottom of the hill as promised by the ranger, in fact the ranger wasn't even there. We assumed that he was on the park somewhere, but he wasn't. The next thing we knew the police descended onto the park looking for the ranger and his colleague. The police advised us that we should stay away until they completed their investigations. They helped us with our car and we all drove home until we could go back as none of us wanted to give up.

Murder Valley Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang