6~~ Hello, charlie

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Warrickshire ~ September 1925

tommy couldn't fathom the fact that she was sitting in his office, in his home... how the fuck did she get in? He was just here.

"Ah ah ah, no, emlyn's dead Thomas." The clicking of her tongue echoed softly throughout his office, bouncing off the oak walls, flowing through the air like a river.

Tommy was stunned, very few things stopped tommys mind from working overtime, he couldn't seem to bring his mouth to move, let alone change his position, his hand still rested on the golden door handle, yet again she's made an absolute twat out of him.
As she sat in his soft expensive leather chair, a cigarette between her fingers, the nub stained a deep crimson from her lipstick, the fendora she wore was placed on his desk, her legs were crossed which caused her black skirt ride up slightly, showing her calf's. As the smoke traveled from her mouth through the room, Tommy found some will within himself to actually speak.
"You're right... my emlyn is dead" looking at her he could see the storm swirling within her eyes, going from a light drizzle to a thundering tsunami.
"SHE WAS NEVER YOURS!!" She yelled, her voice raised more than it had in a decade, she was prided on  her self control, understanding that shouting and screaming gets you no where, but silent calculations get you everywhere.
Tommy flinched slightly, cursing himself for being such a wimp, how could a 5ft 8 woman scare him...
"She was mine to me.." Thomas' voice was rough, he willed his emotions to stay away, he couldn't be seen as weak, not when he had so many enemies.

A deep sigh left her lips, she was beyond furious, but she took a second and a drag from her cigarette, to calm herself down, while she spoke the smoke floated from her mouth in visible whispers.
"She may have been yours to you Thomas, but you didn't love her like you claimed... You left to fight a rich man's war, and while you was fighting with your brothers, she was attacked, killed, dropped in the cut like a piece of dirt... not to mention the only ones who came to her funeral was the priest and her aunt pol.. now that could've been forgiven since you was fighting a war and all, but then for you and your brothers to go a whole decade without so much as a visit to her grave, that cut her deep... so Thomas fucking Shelby, don't stand there in all your pompous glory and tell me you loved her!!"
She could see the sadness in his eyes and she was glad, he deserved it.
"I thought about her every day" Thomas was kidding himself at this point he barely thought about her, but he knew how to get inside someones head, little did he know she did too.
"You thought about her everyday? When you married another woman? Fathered a child? While you fucked your wife?...You thought about her did you?"
Emlyn stood from where she sat on both hands placed upon the desk, her dark brown brows furrowed, her gun holster in view she shook her head to think this man dared open his mouth and lie to her made her blood boil she looked at him like a lioness looks at her pray.
She opened her mouth to speak but before any words escaped she heard an unfamiliar voice.

"Daddy?" Tommy whipped around at small voice of a child fell upon that ears of the two occupants. Emlyns eyes raked over the small child that stood shyly at the door she noted that he looked nothing like Thomas but a carbon copy of his mother, she knew of the tragic murder of Thomas wife, a dinner with Luca changretta informed her of the incident which was just another piece of information that filled her pretty little head.
"Charlie, what're you doing in here?" Thomas crouched down infront of his son, his voice was firm but inside he was cautious, his son was the only thing he had left of grace therefore he couldn't live with himself if Charlie suffered the same fate as his mother.

"Hello, Charlie" both the Shelby boys moved at the soft voice, to look at the gorgeous woman that now leaned against the front of the desk, her legs crossed over, she looked important like they were in her house instead of the other way around.

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