The Exchange Program

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Welcome to the first chapter of the story! Right now we have 1 oc submitted by konandbon. And currently for the 5 yanderes,  we have riddle! We need 4 more to complete it! And thanks for reading! Let's dive right into the Divine Treasure! 

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< Tevyat University, Alchemy Class > 

" Good morning my darlings, I am your Alchemy Professor, Lisa!" A woman who looked to be in her late 30's introduced herself, " Today we shall be introducing ourselves to class one by one before we start on the basics of simple studies of magic!" 

A student with a periwinkle mask stood up, " My name is Maya and I hope to get along with you all...I guess." 

Another student stood up after Maya, and they had palish ash-grey hair and green eyes, " My name is Bennett! Nice to meet you guys!" 

Then another, and another, and another until it reached the last student, one who stood up confidently on the outside, nervously shaking in the inside. With swaying pink to blue hair and sparkling light bluish-(e/c) eyes, they were quite a person to stare at. 

" Hello Hello!" The student greeted with a smile, " I'm Sangonomiya Y/n! It's nice to meet you all! Let's do our best this year!" 

Everyone in the class clapped and cheered for Y/n giving them a heartwarming confidence boost. Lisa smiled and nodded at Y/n to sit back down so she can continue the class by teaching the basics, starting with materials and ingredients.  

< Tevyat University, Combat Training Class > 

" Hello fellow students, I am your combat instructor, Diluc Ragnividr. We'll be starting off with your warm ups." The Red head teacher instructed, " Run two track laps, 5 burpees, and finish it off with 10 sit ups. Go" 

Half of the students groaned but begrudgingly listened to his orders and ran. Y/n and a few other students began with a slow jog to save their energy than just start blotting like it was a competition.  As they were jogging, a student with flashy white hair with red horns ran up to her. The student turned back to talk to Y/n. 

When Y/n saw the student, their eyes suddenly were filled with sparks of joy. The student was someone very familiar. They grinned and let out a,

" Itto!" Y/n smiled. 

" Heh Heyyyy, Y/n! How you've been these 3 years?" Itto wrapped an arm around their neck and gave them a noggie, " Haha! You've gotten a bit taller and much cutesy wutesy~" 

" Itto! Stopppp! Nee-san just did my hair!" Y/n whined and tried to get the Oni to stop. 

" Y/n! Arataki! Focus on finishing your warm ups or you two are sitting on the sidelines for the activity!" Diluc yelled. 

" Man, Mr Diluc never changes" Itto laughed, " Come on Y/n! I'll carry you if you want!" 

" Oh no way! I'm not the dainty little damsel anymore, Itto! Watch me!" Y/n smirked. 

" Oho? I'd like to see you try! First one to finish gets free lunch on the loser!" Itto smirked back. 

< Tevyat University, Archives Class >

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