Day 3

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Y/n woke up very sleepy the next day. Their hair was all over the place and there was some drool on their pillow. They rubbed their eyes and yawned, stretching out their arms. Their sleep last night was very good, one of their best sleeps for the year. But what time is it? 

They looked at the clock and it seems they woke up much earlier than expected. Perhaps they slept in a little earlier to wake up at a time like this. So what would they do? Well, they just either read a book to pass the time or get ready and go do some early morning things. Y/n got out of bed and headed into the bathroom, to brush their teeth, add on their skin care, brush out their hair, style their hair, put on their school uniform, and head out of the bathroom to grab their bag of essentials. 

" Hmmmm, what else could I do? I can't be in the kitchen right now, since most likely everyone is asleep. I could read some books for school as extra study, but then I'll have nothing to do after. Doing my make up so early won't be sufficient as it'll only take at least 30 minutes to finish, which won't pass the time..." Y/n thought carefully and ran through some more ideas, before seeing their phone turn on from a notification, " Ah what could it be?" 

Y/n picked up their phone and unlocked it to see the notification. 

Golden Sun: You up?

Oh it was Aether! Guess he was checking in on them. 

SeaKoi: Yeah I am! I woke up earlier than usual.

Golden Sun: You should stop sleeping in so earlier, it's healthy yes, but still waking up earlier than me in concerning..

SeaKoi: Ehehehe, I'll try my best to sleep later than usual. But hey, how's Onee and Rou-chan? 

Golden Sun: They're doing fine! Still waiting for you to text them about Night Raven College. How's that place anyways? 

SeaKoi: Ehhh, it's a 50/50. It's cool and all, but the students are sorta rowdy. 

Golden Sun: Uwahhh I hope you don't get injured D: 

SeaKoi: I'm fine, don't worry~ Jeez, you sound like Onee

Golden Sun: Hey! I just care a lot about you okay?! Hmpf. 

SeaKoi: Sorry Sorry~ 

They let out some giggles throughout the conversation. Some time has passed, and they heard some doors opening, loud groans and yawns, seems like they woken up now. Without a beat, they started to work on their make up, applying moisturizer, then foundation,  and applying other stuff. Letting out a pleased hum, they finished their make up by the time Floyd burst into the room. 

" Strawberyyyy!~" Floyd grinned and dug himself into their lap, " Do my make up too?~" 

" Oh- Uh sure, Floyd-kun" Y/n blinked before grabbing out a blue eyeliner and light blue shade of eye shadow, "Make sure to stay completely still or I won't be able to do this for you again."

" Okayyy!" Floyd smiled and let them apply the two make up essentials to his face. He stayed completely still until Y/n was done before he sprung up and looked in the mirror, "Hehe~! I look so handsome~, don't you think, Strawberry fish?"

" Of course, Floyd-kun" Y/n smiled, " Now let's head to the cafeteria to get some breakfast" 

" That won't be possible, Sangonomiya-san. Jade's cooking breakfast right now" Azul says from the door. 

" Eughhh, he better not put mushrooms in it again..." Floyd mumbled. 

" Why? I like mushrooms" Y/n blinked and tilted their head as the duo looked over to them as if they'd grown a second head. 

Divine TreasureOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora