Chapter 3

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Author's Note:

Hi guys, so sorry I haven't updated in literally forever. My upload day is going to be on Sundays, but I'm going to change it to Fridays as soon as possible because I heard that I will get more views if I post on Fridays (at least this is true for Wattpad- I post this story there too, under the same name and user).

Also, Rose Weasley has amber eyes in this story (it's a real color, I think it's the rarest human eye color) and there is a pic of that added to help you visualize. There is also a youtube video of Hedwig's theme (HP theme song) to set the mood.

Anyways, hope you enjoy this! Feel free to leave a review and point out anything that can improve my work. I'll take any suggestions into consideration.


Several hours into the train ride, we were still talking non-stop. I learned many things about Scorpio, like how he loved to escape the world and enter his imagination. He told me about his love for action books and comics, muggle things his parents would rather him not have such a fond interest of. I love reading as well, so we talked about our favorite authors and books for a good majority of the time.

Come to think of it, he was very quiet on the subject of his family. Not that I ever brought it up directly, but whenever he brought them up while telling a story, he got a bit paler (if that's even physically possible) and quickly changed the subject. But who's he to blame? I never mentioned a word about my family. Maybe some things are better kept a secret. I just wish that he knew that I wouldn't judge him on his family if he doesn't judge me on mine.

We were lounging in our carriage, eating a plethora of chocolate frogs, when we arrived at Hogwarts. We got up quickly and banged our heads against the glass in a rush to see a glimpse of our home for the next nine months. When I looked up, my mouth dropped in awe. I think Scorpio might have been drooling.

I've heard stories about it and have seen pictures of the castle, but it was so different seeing it all up close. It was so magnificent and so grand, that I couldn't believe I was going to stay there. It almost seemed unreal. The huge towers rising so high from the ground, shooting up into the sky like rockets. The Forbidden Forest behind it, just like my parents and Uncle Harry talked about. The lake in the front, where I'll row across, where mermaids once were years before.

Hagrid, his hair grey and a cane in his hand, was telling everyone to get moving; despite his age, his voice was booming throughout the area just fine. Scorpio sprang up, jolting out of his dream-like trance, and went to grab his things.

"Rose, hurry! We don't want to go back home without ever going into the castle, now do we?" Scorpio urged her on.

I giggled and got out my rambunctious trunk and Crookshanks Jr. Sighing, I realized how great it was to have a friend- even if you have only known them for a few hours.

I was halfway through getting onto the shaky rowboat with Scorpio and Hagrid when I remembered. The thing that had been haunting me for months, yet something I'd forgotten after only a few hours of talking to a stranger: the Sorting Hat.

My entire family has been in Gryffindor, as far back into the Weasley ancestry as has been recorded. What if I'm not a Gryffindor? I don't feel like particularly brave person, I don't feel like I could slay a dragon. I might be a redhead, but I'm most definitely not as fiery as people characterize them to be. I'm meek and shy. I like to think I'm stubborn and strong-headed, but being the daughter of two celebrities has never helped me come out of my shell.

My parents have told me that it doesn't matter what house I get sorted into, they will love me nevertheless. However, I can't but feel that if I were to be sorted into any other house that I would be shaming my ancestry. For all I know, there might be an article about it in the Daily Prophet: "SHOCKING NEWS- Rose Weasley does not get sorted into Gryffindor, despite family's proud history."

As all of this came back into my mind, I tripped on the edge of the boat and would have gone flying if it weren't for Hagrid. He picked me up effortlessly and sat me down on the seat with the ever-friendly look on his face.

"Watch where yer goin' there, Miss Weasley. Can't have you dyin' on the way to Hogwarts now can we?" he chuckled, quietly enough that Scorpio, still entranced with the view, didn't hear. Flustered, I thanked Hagrid, who I knew to be a good friend of my parents. He then stepped onto the boat, making it nearly tip over. I had to scramble up to sit by Scorpio to try and balance the weight.

And just like that, we were on our way to Hogwarts.


I don't think Rose and I had ceased at all. If this is what it was like to have a friend, then I most definitely enjoyed it. However, I couldn't help but think that if, somehow, we were to become friends throughout our first year, how impossible it would be to hide my last name from her. I guess I will just have to 'cross that bridge when I get there', which is a nice saying I've read in some of my action books.

Which, for some odd reason, I have told her all about. I told her about my daydreaming and how I loved a good thrill. I rarely tell anyone about that, especially not strangers, but she was so easy to open up to. In return, she told me about her love for reading as well, which I could barely believe. But, now that I think about it, makes sense, because her mother is Hermione Granger. She must be bombarded with books everyday. My father, on the other hand, would rather me work on spells or practicing Quidditch instead. I don't think it's as much for me as for him, because he wants a son that will achieve wonderful and good things to clear up the family name. As if it would be that easy.

Right now, we were in a small self-rowing row boat, which was slightly (majorly) lopsided due to the unequal weight of us and Hagrid. The lantern in front of us was wobbling left and right quite dangerously, like a worrisome dance. It lit the view in front of the boat, the view...

To be honest, the sight in front of me was not jaw-dropping. It wasn't amazing, or beautiful, or any of those words. In fact, I couldn't describe it with words. It was a place filled to the brim with imagination, with wonder, and with opportunity. It was a place where nothing seemed impossible, where knowledge and learning was exciting, where there was never any limits. It was, is, and always will be Hogwarts.

Next to me, Rose was in a silent reverie, her amber eyes bright in the reflection of the lantern light. I hope we will be placed in the same house, because maybe with her I'll have a shot at a friendship. Of course that's a ludicrous notion, because being friends with a Weasley is probably the last thing that I would have expected to come out of this train ride. Who can say what's in store?

On the other hand, what house will I be placed in? Everyone will expect me to be placed in Slytherin, but frankly, I have no idea. I don't know how cunning I am, or how power-hungry I am. I'm only an 11-year-old boy who likes to read and make up stories. I'm not what anyone expects me to be. I don't belong in any house.

So, I suppose we'll all just have to wait and see.

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